Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
. Grammar exercises (notions, sistematization and application)
. Written comprehension development exercises
. Oral comprehension development exercises
. Activities for oral comprehension development:
– Phonetics and reading exercises;
– Short oral presentations;
– Describing people, places and situations;
– Verbal interaction and debate.
. Written exercises:
– Answering questions;
– Writing short texts;
– Translating short texts;
– Transformation practice.
An active methodology will be favoured to encourage individual research and participation
in class.
Homework will be assigned for students to practice the skills and contents learned in
class by answering questions on texts read and discussed in class, translating and
Test evaluation will be based on:
1) Attendance, participation in class and home work assignments (20%)
2) One written test (80%)
Final exam (100%)
Learning Results
This syllabus aims to develop general communicative and professional skills in the specific field of Tourism, reinforcing students’ knowledge previously acquired in French.
Thus, it was conceived in order to enable the students to acquire language skills as described in the CEFRL, corresponding to the basic user level A1-A2:
Mastery of oral and written communication techniques in FFL:
Oral understanding – To understand simple oral messages using everyday life language and tourism specific language.
Written understanding – To be able to understand simple texts using predominantly everyday life language and tourism specific language.
Spoken production – To use simple oral phrases and sentences in the context of everyday life and in a tourism context.
Written production – To be able to write a short, simple text on familiar topics or related to familiar situations in a tourism context.
Mastery of socio- and intercultural communication skills.
1. Communication contents:
To introduce oneself
To describe one’s job
To present a tourism business
To know how to answer the phone
To take a message on the phone
To read a map
To give directions
To read railway/airline timetables
To give information on timetables
To explain a train ticket
To take a reservation
2. Language contents:
Indicatif présent : regular and irregular verbs
Impératif présent
C’est / Il est
Definite and indefinite articles
Contracted definite articles
Nationality adjectives
Country names and languages
Cardinal and ordinal numbers
Il faut + infinitive
Expression of time : time and date, other time expressions
Prepositions of place and direction
3. Socio-cultural contents
Le tutoiement et le vouvoiement
Jobs in Tourism
Travel (by plane and by train)
Leisure time
Public holidays
Some other grammar and vocabulary contents may also be introduced according to
students’ interests.
Grading Methods
- - written and oral test 1 - 50.0%
- - Written and oral test 2 - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
• Dicionários e gramáticas
Le petit Robert
GREGOIRE, Maia, Grammaire progressive du français (niveau débutant), Clé
International/Porto Editora, 2003.
GRÉGOIRE, Maïa, THIÉVENAZ, Odile, Grammaire progressive du français (niveau
intermédiaire), Clé international/Porto Editora, 2002.
• Manuais
CALMY, Anne-Marie, Le français du tourisme, Paris, Hachette Livre, 2004.
CORBEAU, Sophie, DUBOIS, Chantal, PENFORNIS, Jean-Luc,, Clé
International, Paris, 2004.
TAUZIN, Béatrice, DUBOIS, Anne-Lyse, Objectif express 1, Hachette Livre, Paris, 2006.
• Sítios Internet – Fédération nationale des offices de tourisme et syndicats d’initiative en France – Site officiel du tourisme en France – Site des professionnels du tourisme français – Organisation nationale des professionnels du voyage