Teaching Methodologies
To achieve the objectives of the course, the process of teaching and learning is based on the following teaching methodologies:
– Teaching of theoretical and practical lessons, including the COTF and woods of the ESAC;
– Practical use of machinery and equipment, on the COTF and on ESAC;
Learning Results
This Curricular Unit aims to enable the student knowledge about:
– Machinery and equipment used in forest harvesting. Forestry operations performed within forest exploitation;
– Importance of planning of logging operations (harvesting, processing, extraction and transportation of timber), integration of ecosystem constraints, standards of hygiene and safety at work, and the principles of sustainable forest management
To achieve the objectives of the course and the conference of the knowledge intended to the students, the teaching-learning process is based on the following contents:
– Using the chainsaw and bushcutter;
– Motomanual felling with the chainsaw;
– Processing of timber, by using the motomanuals methods with the use of chainsaw;
– Use of mechanized felling and processing techniques, and the use of equipment of forest exploitation in cultural cuts;
– Use of techniques of extraction and transportation;
– Identification of machinery and equipment available in the market for forest exploitation;
– Achievement of objectives, integrating the constraints of the ecosystem, the rules of hygiene and safety at work, the principles of sustainable forest management and related aspects of forest defense against fires.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Pratical evaluation - 75.0%
- - Written Test - 25.0%
- - Written Test - 25.0%
- - Pratical exam - 75.0%
CAOF, Comissão de acompanhamento das operações florestais, Matriz de referência das operações, http://www.idrha.pt/caof
TEIXEIRA, F.; GARDETE, J.J., Trabalho Florestal. Manual de prevenção. IDICT Instituto de Desenvolvimento e
Inspecção das Condições de trabalho, 75 pp. 1998.
DGF. Manual de boas práticas florestais. Lisboa, DGF, 2002
COTF, Conservação e Manutenção da Motosserra. Direcção Geral das Florestas, 1988
ALVES, A. A. M. Técnicas de produção florestal. 2ª Ed. Lisboa, INIC, 331 pp. 1988.
COTF, Transporte de madeira com tractor agrícola. Direcção Geral das Florestas, 1988
ARMEF ; CTBA ; IDF. Manuel dexploitation forestière. Tome I. França, ARMEF, 442pp, 1993
COTF, Técnica de abate. Direcção Geral das Florestas, 1988
COTF, Textos de apoio ao Curso de Formação em Exploração Florestal. DGRF, 2005
CELBI, StoraEnso. Guia de boas práticas florestais. CELBI, 2001