Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical aspect – with expositions and based on dialogues
Practical aspect – analysis of cases with presentation of various type of contracts, register sheets and documents
(procuration , municipal certificates, licences), focusing on the domination of the norms of substantive and
adjective law applicable to each case, analysing, and systematising information and legislation. Elaboration of
various types of contracts and its terms of authentication, practising the previously acquired skills
Assessment methodologie: a) Work 30%; b) Final exam – 70%.
Learning Results
To train specialised professionals in the field of solicitors, providing them with complementary education
which allows the development of technical professionalising skills in the field of formalisation and
contracts registration, through the assimilation of the principles and the mastering of the applicable
legislation, preparing them to manage a striking number of functions in an area which has suffered deep
change, and demands constant update, demanding from these professionals solid juridical knowledge,
ability to use new communication technology and a high ethical sense.
Notion of document – the traditional particular authenticated document
The Particular Authenticated Document introduced by D.L. n.º 116/2008 – the contract and the term of
authentication – The public faith principle
Common formalities and general mentions of the DPA
The parts in the deal
Accidental intervenients
Required documents for the acts
Documents given out abroad
Mentions related to real estate register – Special mentions related to the type of contract
Non-valid contracts and inefficiency contracts – warnings to the parts
Fiscal obligations
Electronic deposit of the authenticated contract
Archive and participation of the acts
The register order – acts subjected to an obligatory register
Validation – rectification, confirmation and ratification
Other non-formalised contracts
Curricular Unit Teachers
Guerreiro, J.A. Mouteira – “Noções de Direito Registral” Coimbra Editora 1993
Figueiredo, David Martins Lopes de – “Titulação de Negócios Jurídicos sobre Imóveis” Almedina, Coimbra 2013
Januário, Rui; Gonzales, José Alberto – “Direito e prática Notarial”, 4ª edição Quid Juris, Lisboa 2008
Januário, Rui; António Gameiro – “Do contrato de compra e venda e do Documento Particular Autenticado –
Wolters Kluwer Portugal, Lisboa 2012
Mesquita, Manuel Henrique – “Obrigações reais e ónus reais” 2ª edição, Coleção Teses, Almedina Coimbra 2000
Miller, Rui Vieira – “ A propriedade horizontal no Código Civil” Almedina Coimbra 1998
Varela, João de Matos Antunes – “Das obrigações em geral” vol. I, 7ª edição, Almedina Coimbra 1992
Varela, João de Matos Antunes – “Das obrigações em geral” vol. II, 5ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra 1993