Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The syllabus will be developed through:
i) sessions where theoretical contents and practical fundaments are presented;
ii) practical exercises of image analysis developed with a theoretical approach;
iii) development of individual and team work in class.
According to the regulations of this scholl, students can choose one of the following evaluation methods:
1. by frequency of classes, which is mandatory:
a) News photo to be presented in class – individual work (50%);
b) Photo news feature to be presented in class – group work (50%);
2. by examination
The final grade will be obtained through a written test. Students should register for the exam on the dates fixed by ESEC.
Learning Results
By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
– Understand and identify periods, personalities and institutions that played an important role in the History of Photojournalism;
– Apply ethical and deontological principles during the capture and selection of photographic images in journalistic and information contexts;
– Interact press reporters;
– Identify and select different techniques to obtain and process photos;
– Select proper equipment, depending on the assignment;
– Understand and apply the theoretical and technical principles of photojournalism;
– Edit photos in a journalistic context;
– Conceive, plan and execute a professional project, like a photographic feature or reportage.
1. Photography and Journalism
Origins of photojournalism; genre and models; text and image: the caption, the story text and graphic reading; technique and aesthetics: the influence of technology in press photography; ethics, editorial style books and related codes. Image copyright issues; photo archives;
2. Photography and PhotojournalismTechniques
Cameras, lenses and their features; image composition : theme, framing, perspective, angles, basic lighting techniques; capturing images with a journalistic purpose; the photographic feature and infography.
3. Photojournalism and Digital Information: Production, Editing and Image Processing
Photojournalism in the digital age: cyberjournalism and paper edition; images online: agencies and archives; basic editing software and image processing; the graphic layout: printed or online photos; current trends: photodocumentalism and citizen’s photojournalism.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Written test - 100.0%
- - News photo to be presented in class - 50.0%
- - Photo-news feature to be presented in class - 50.0%
AMAR, Pierre-Jean (2001). História da Fotografia. Lisboa: Edições 70.
ANG, Tom (2005). Introdução à Fotografia Digital. Porto: Civilização Editores.
BARTHES, Roland (1980). A Câmara Clara. Lisboa: Edições 70.
JOLY, Martine (1994). Introdução à Análise da Imagem. Lisboa: Edições 70.
KEENE, Martin (2002). Fotojornalismo, Guia Profissional. Lisboa: Dinalivro.
KOBRÉ, Kenneth (2008). Photojournalism, The Professionals’ Approach. Waltham, Massachusetts: Focal Press,
LANGFORD, Michael (2000). Fotografia Básica. Lisboa: Dinalivro.
SONTAG, Susan (2003). Olhando o Sofrimento dos Outros. Algés: Gótica.
SOUSA, Jorge Pedro (2004). Forças por trás da câmara – uma perspectiva sobre a história do fotojornalismo das origens até ao final do século XX. Minerva: Coimbra.
VILCHES, Lorenzo (1997). Teoría da la imagen periodística. Barcelona: Paidós.