Base Knowledge
– Ability to do research, reading and interpreting content analysis.
– Ability to synthesise and write text – Computer skills from the user’s perspective, digital writing of documents and the creation of work reports and presentation and dissemination.
Ability and motivation to research, use and apply specific software for the mechanics of structures and hydraulic systems.
– Sense of cooperation, mutual help, collaboration and a spirit of knowledge sharing, with practical interest in carrying out activities, individually and in work groups.
– Motivation, interest in acquiring elementary concepts of physics and mathematics, such as: Units systems, vectorial analysis and their characteristics, force and principles of equilibrium, and bases of trigonometry for applying concepts to the study of mechanics.
Teaching Methodologies
The classes will be taught in Portuguese, having as object of work and learning the syllabus presented. It is expected that the lessons will have, whenever possible, different moments in the knowledge transmission methodology:
1) accompanied study in the learning achieved by the students, clarification of doubts and practical support at work and/or solving exercises/problems,
2) discussion and presentation of weekly research papers carried out by the working groups about contents of UC.
3) expository presentation of contents by the teacher, with possible practical resolution of example exercises, followed by discussion between the teacher, students and groups of students about the themes and exercises presented.
An expository presentation will be used during the explanation of theoretical subjects to support learning with the practical resolution of exercises. Students will be encouraged to carry out a practical work of technical and scientific interpretation and on contents and a practical interpretation approach through individual and group research. Without obligation, the research should result in information in a documents made available to all students through the sharing of documents in the forum of the Inforestudante platform, or even on student pages. The learning will be monitored by the students, by clarifying doubts, supporting the resolution of exercises and guiding practical work, and there must be a writing of personal study works. The presentation of these documents, will be made every week, and by presentation in conversation groups and in the forum of the Inforestudante platform.
As long as it is feasible, it is considered, that during class hours, a visit to works or structures may be made, either on the Institute’s own campus or outside. To occur, students will be challenged to present images and description of the verified situations. Not being feasible, students will be encouraged to do, for their own reasons, personal record of examples of works or structures of interest within the scope of the discipline’s content, being invited to present work with description and images of the observed.
These processes aim at the individual responsibility of the student, and at the same time, to increase the ation to knowledge sharing between, for and with the other colleagues. The student is individually assessed for the knowledge acquired, for their potential to interpret the intended objectives for the resolution and understanding of structural engineering exercises, as well as for their ability to organize ideas and consequent exposure of knowledge. At the same time, you will be evaluated for your collaboration with your colleagues, either for the work developed in a group or for your motivation to collaborate in the learning of your colleagues. After the academic weeks, each student will take a written test with questions about the syllabus, with space for presenting exercise proposals that demonstrate their ability to identify problems and their resolution. There will be a part of problems fundamentals for which a minimum quote will be required.
Learning Results
1. Acquisition of basis of structural mechanics and fluid mechanics, important for other curricular units.
2. Understand the constitution of a structure (elements, supports and internal links) and the actions that can take place in it;
3. Know the mechanical transfer of actions/loads in structures, and the effects of traction, compression, bending and shear.
4. Pratice and understand the static equilibrium equations to determine the support reactions of the lattice structures the distribution of internal forces in elements and frames of structures through bending moment, shear and axial force diagrams
5. Know and understand the properties of fluids; know and master the concepts related to hydrostatics;
6. Understand the concepts of hydro-kinematics; know and apply the fundamental principles of hydrodynamics.
Generic Skills:
– Increased skills in the areas of communication and knowledge transfer;
– Application and demonstration of skills acquired through methods of study and personal work in individual and group tasks;
– Motivation to use self-learning methods and skills development accompanied by the proposal in the teaching methods
– Application of knowledge and physical understanding of phenomena through technical, scientific and pedagogical interconnection;
– Development of competence to carry out judgment and decision making.
Specific Skills:
– Acquire knowledge to understand the mechanical behavior of building structures and structural elements;
– Increased ability to observe practical situations aiming at the need for intervention;
– Encouraging the development of analysis and calculation methodologies in response to actions and effects on structures
– Basis for decision-making of intervention and to create the proposals to improve structural behavior, through rehabilitation, reinforcement or basic design actions
This unit provides the basis of Newtonian Mechanics for students to understand the fundamentals of structural analysis and design, hydraulic systems and fluid mechanics. This unit is important to contributes to success in others Curricular Units of the curricular plan and thus, to adquire of essential bases and decision-making capacity as future professionals.
Structural Mechanics
PART 1 – Basics and concepts of Structural Mechanics
1. Knowledge about large structures for large and small works
2. Typology of structures in design and construction and materials technology
3. Fundamental notions for evaluating, designing and designing structures
4. Elementary principles for calculating structures
5. The path of loads: from actions to effects (reactions, efforts, deformations and displacements)
PART 2 – Application of Structural Mechanics concepts
6. Learning methodologies and tools for knowledge acquisition
7. Analysis of supports and calculation of reactions, in trusses, linear elements and in plane structures
8. Study on the calculation of trusses (evaluation methods)
9. Study and analysis of planar isostatic elements and structures
10. Review and conclusion, proposals and suggestions, information and dissemination
Fluid Mechanics
PART 3 – Basics, concepts and applications of Fluid Mechanics
11. Concepts and properties of fluids and applications
12. Hydrostatics: Hydrostatic law of pressures; pressure gauges; hydrostatic thrust on bodies and surfaces.
13. Hydrokinematics and fundamental principles of hydrodynamics: trajectories and current lines; flow classification; continuity equation. Bernoulli’s Theorem; piezometric and power lines; boundary layer; flow separation.
14. Applications of Fluid Mechanics / Hydraulics and knowledge assessment
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exame 100 - 100.0%
Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics:
– BEER, F.; JOHNSTON, R. Jr.; EISENBERG, E. – Mecânica Vectorial para Engenheiros – Estática (7.ª edição), McGraw-Hill,ISBN 978-85-8055-046-7. Portugal, 2006.
– ENGEL, Heino – Sistemas de estructuras. 1ª edición, 3ª tirada. ISBN: 84-252-1800-4. Barcelona. 2003
– FREY, F. – Analyse des strucutres et millieux continus – Statique appliqué. Traité de Génie Civil de l’Écolepolytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Vol. 1, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1994.
– HIBBELER, R. C. Estática. 12ª ed. – Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-85-7605-815-1. São Paulo, Brasil, 2011.
– MERIAN, J.L., Kraige, L.G. – Engeneering Mechanics – Volume 1: Statics”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Seventh Edition.ISBN: 978-0-470-61473-0. 2006
– MUVDI, B.; AL-KHAFAJI, A.; McNABB J. – Statics for Engineers, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-94779-5. New York, 1997.
– REBELLO, Yopanan – A concepção estrutural e a arquitectura ISBN 85-85570-03-2. Yopanan Conrado PereiraRebello. São Paulo. Zigurate Editora, 2000.
– RILEY, W.F.; STURGES, L.D. – Engineering mechanics: statics. John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
– ROCHA, G. – O caminho das forças e a concepção estrutural. Apresentação. MAM – Rio de Janeiro.
– SORIANO, Humberto L. – Estática das Estruturas. 3ª edição revista e ampliada. Rio de Janeiro. Editora CiênciaModerna Ltda., 2013.
– Documents prepared by teachers and others students, through web, Inforestudante and Moodle.
– Bibliography on the internet.
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics:
– QUINTELA, A. C. – Hidráulica, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
– LENCASTRE, A. – Hidráulica Geral, Edição do Autor.
– NOVAIS-BARBOSA, J. – Mecânica dos Fluidos e Hidráulica Geral, Vols.1 e 2, Porto Editora.
– MASSEY, B. S. – Mecânica dos Fluidos, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
– Documents prepared by teachers and others students, through web, Inforestudante and Moodle.
– Bibliography on the internet.