General Agriculture and Agrometeorology

Base Knowledge

Those legally required to attend the course.

Teaching Methodologies

Classes are supported by presentations, teacher notes, and discussion of case studies. Depending on the type of content taught, questionnaires will be prepared for individual response or small working groups (up to 4 students) will be set up to perform and report on practical work, whenever justified, the practical work will be carried out in the field or in the machinery hangar.

Learning Results

1. Assess the importance of the national agricultural sector in the European and global context;
2. Understand the interconnection between agriculture and the climatic factors that condition the activity;
3. Establish the most appropriate rotations and crops for each situation;
4. Know the main cultivation techniques used in agriculture, from land preparation to harvesting;
5. Recognise the advantages and disadvantages of using the main cultivation techniques in specific situations.


1. The importance of agriculture in the world and for humanity.
   a. Biodiversity and plant species.
   b. Agriculture in Portugal and around the world.
   c. How Portuguese agricultural production fits into European and world agriculture.
   d. Characterising indices used in agriculture: national and regional positioning.
   e. Agricultural geography of production;
   f. The agro-forestry complex;
   g. The importance of agricultural products in the agricultural economy, foreign trade and the food balance;
   h. Agricultural performance indicators at different geographical scales.
2. Classification of crops (Cultivated Plants): Botanical; Agronomic; According to life cycle; According to photoperiod; According to temperature; According to soil and water regime; According to photosynthetic type.
3. Phytotechnologies: differences between the main phytotechnologies and practical application of the different plant classifications in the field.
4. Soil and agriculture: important properties and parameters, characterisation, evaluation, correction and soil work.
5. Fertilisers and fertilisation:
   a. Classification and characterisation of the main fertilisers: advantages and disadvantages;
   b. Agricultural correctives. Importance of pH and soil organic matter;
   c. Determining fertilisation and choosing fertilisers;
   d. Application techniques and timing: solving practical problems.
6. Succession, intercropping, thinning and rotation:
   a. Selection factors and nomenclature;
   b. Justification for rotations: types of rotations;
   c. Advantages and disadvantages of using intercropping.
7. Seeds, sowing and planting:
   a. Methods and times best suited to each situation;
   b. Seed legislation;
   c. Sowing and stand density.
8. Climate:
   a. Agronomic vision;
   b. Climate characterisation;
   c. Elements of climate and their use in agriculture;
   d. Protection against climatic excesses;
   e. Climate classification;
   f. Climate patterns on the continent and their implications for agriculture.

Curricular Unit Teachers




  • Abreu, J. P. M. Agrometeorologia. Aplicação da meteorologia para maximizar a produção agrícola. Ed. agrobook. 2018.
  • BRIOSA, F. – Glossário ilustrado de mecanização agrícola. Galucho, Sintra, 391 pp. 1984.
  • Caldas, E. A agricultura portuguesa através dos tempos. Lisboa: INIC. 1991.
  • Diehl, R. Agricultura geral. Lisboa: Clássica Editora, Colecção Técnica Agrária. 1984.
  • Éliard, J. L. Manual geral de agricultura. Mem Martins: Publicações Europa-América, Colecção Euroagro. 1979.
  • FAO – The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. Making Agrifood Systems more Resilient to Shocks and Stresses. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • MDADR – Mecanização Agrícola, volume 2, Máquinas Agrícolas. DGADR, Lisboa, 309 pp. 2007.
  • Soltner, D. Les bases de la production végétale. Angers: Collection Sciences et Techniques Agricoles; Tome I, II et III. 1995.
  • Terrón, P. Fitotecnia: ingeniería de la producción vegetal. Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa. 2002