Base Knowledge
There are no recommended basic knowledge.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methodologies used are intended to provide an effective knowledge transmission, and a climate of dialogue with students that encourages and consolidates the process of teaching and learning.
In class explains the basics needed for the development of the syllabus and the acquisition of skills. We seek to student participation in adapting the concepts learned to solve specific situations.
Study designs are presented and discussed in the classroom with the active and critical participation of teachers and students.
Learning Results
1. Assess the importance of the national agricultural sector, in the European and global context;
2. Know the interconnection between agriculture and the climatic factors that condition the activity;
3. Establish the most appropriate crop rotations for each situation;
4. Know the main cultural techniques used in agriculture, from land preparation to harvest;
5. Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of using the main cultural techniques in specific situations.
– Importance of Agriculture.
– Agriculture concepts and definitions.
– Classification of crops (Cultivated Plants): Practical application of different classifications of plants in the field.
– Seeds, sowing and plantations. Methods and times. Legislation. Seeding density and population. Problem solving.
– The Climate: Agronomic View. Climatic characterization.
– Soil and agriculture.
– Fertilizers and Fertilizations. Agricultural correctives. Importance of pH and soil organic matter. Problem solving.
– Crop rotations. Choosing factors. Nomenclature. Rotation types. Advantages and disadvantages of using plant mix. Example for the country and the region.
– Guided visits to the field for contact with crops, weeds, agricultural machinery and equipment.
– Critical appreciation of the main cultural techniques used in agriculture.
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 75.0%
- - Synthesis work - 25.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
TERRÓN, P. (2002)– Fitotecnia: ingeniería de la producción vegetal. Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa.
SOLTNER, D. (1995) – Les bases de la production végétale. Angers: Collection Sciences et Techniques Agricoles; Tome I,II et III.
FEIO, M. (1991)– Clima e Agricultura. Ministério da Agricultura, Pescas e Alimentação. Lisboa.
LOOMIS, R.S.; CONNOR, D.J. (1992) – Crop Ecology. Productivity and management in agricultural systems. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
BRIOSA, F. (1984)– Glossário ilustrado de mecanização agrícola. Lisboa: Galucho.
CALDAS, E. C. (1991) – A agricultura portuguesa através dos tempos. Lisboa: INIC.
DIEHL, R. (1984) – Agricultura geral. Lisboa: Clássica Editora, Colecção Técnica Agrária.
VILLALOBOS, F.; MATEOS, L.; ORGAZ, F.; FERRERES, E. (2002)– Fitotecnia: bases y tecnologías de la producción agrícola. Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa.produccion agrícola. Mundi Prensa, Madrid.