General Agriculture and Agrometeorology

Base Knowledge

Those legally required to attend the course.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies used aim to provide an effective transmission of knowledge and dialogue with students that favors and consolidates the process of teaching learning.

In the theoretical-practical classes the explanation of the principles necessary to the development of the programmatic contents and the acquisition of the defined competences is made. Students are asked to participate in adapting the knowledge acquired to solve specific situations, with case studies being prepared, with bibliographical research, on topics of particular interest to the CU and to students in relation to their technical-professional training.

Learning Results

1. Evaluate the role of national agriculture, on the European and global context;

2. Know the interconnection between agriculture and the climatic factors that affect the activity;

3. Establish the most appropriate rotations for each situation;

4. Know the main cultural techniques used in agriculture, from land preparation to harvesting;

5. Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of using the main cultural techniques in specific situations.


1. Importance of Agriculture in the World and for humanity. Biodiversity and plant species. Agriculture in Portugal and in the World. Framework of national agricultural production in Europe and world agriculture. Characterization indexes used in agriculture: National and regional positioning;

2. Concepts and definitions of agriculture. Main types of agriculture: summary characterization; traditional versus modern systems of agriculture;

3. Classification of Cultivated Plants: Botany; Agronomic; According to the life cycle; According to the length of the day; According to the temperature; According to soil and water regime; According to the photosynthetic type; Phytotechnics. Differences between the main fitotecnias. Practical application of different classifications of plants in the field;

4. Seeds, Seeding and Planting. Methods and times best suited to each situation. Seed legislation. Seed density and population. Exercises;

5. The Climate: Agronomic view. Climatic characterization. Elements of climate and their use in agriculture. Protections for weathering. Climate classification. Climate patterns of the continent and its implication in agriculture;

6. Soil and agriculture: properties and important parameters, characterization, evaluation, correction and soil work;

7. Fertilizers and Fertilization. Classification and characterization of the main fertilizers: advantages and disadvantages. Agricultural correctives. Importance of soil pH and organic matter. Calculation of fertilization and choice of fertilizers. Techniques and times of application. Practical exercises;

8. Crop rotations. Factors of choice. Nomenclature. Justification for crop rotations. Types of crop rotations. Advantages and disadvantages of using intercropping. Example of crop rotations and intercropping for the country and region;

9. Guided tours of the field to contact with crops, weeds, machinery and agricultural equipment;

10. Critical appraisal of the main cultural techniques used in agriculture.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - Frequency - 75.0%
  • - Synthesis work - 25.0%




BRIOSA, F. (1984)– Glossário ilustrado de mecanização agrícola. Lisboa: Galucho.

CALDAS, E. C. (1991) – A agricultura portuguesa através dos tempos. Lisboa: INIC.

DIEHL, R. (1984) – Agricultura geral. Lisboa: Clássica Editora, Colecção Técnica Agrária.

FAO – The State of Food and Agriculture 2019. Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2019.

FAO – The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. Making Agrifood Systems more Resilient to Shocks and Stresses. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

FEIO, M. (1991)– Clima e Agricultura. Ministério da Agricultura, Pescas e Alimentação. Lisboa.

LOOMIS, R.S.; CONNOR, D.J. (1992) – Crop Ecology. Productivity and management in agricultural systems. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

SOLTNER, D. (1995) – Les bases de la production végétale. Angers: Collection Sciences et Techniques Agricoles; Tome I,II et III.

TERRÓN, P. (2002)– Fitotecnia: ingeniería de la producción vegetal. Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa.

VILLALOBOS, F.; MATEOS, L.; ORGAZ, F.; FERRERES, E. (2002)– Fitotecnia: bases y tecnologías de la producción agrícola. Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa.