General Biochemistry

Base Knowledge

Cell Biology and Organic chemistry (elementary)

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical contents of the curricular unit will be presented through lectures, illustrated whenever possible with the use of Problem-based learning (PBL) through short case-studies and exercises in which students are encouraged to apply the knowledge  acquired and develop skills.

Learning Results

The intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit of Biochemistry are the following:

1 – A holistic understanding of the structural and functional aspects of the biomolecules of the cell, the basic unit of an organism;

2 – Recognition of the importance of the structure-function relationship;

3 – Comprehension of the main biochemical reactions in living organisms and its role in health-disease;

4 – Understanding the main metabolic routes, the bioenergetics of the cell, its integration and regulation;

5 – Analysis of clinical short case studies to test knowledge, skills and competencies.

At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to:

– Globally understand the cell functionning and thus the organism at the biochemical level;

– Identify the structure of the biomolecules and unsderstand the relationship structure-function;

– Recognize the principal biochemical reactions and its role in health-disease;

– Understand the fundamentals of bioenergetics and of cellular metabolism, and how its integration and regulation is achieved;

– Apply the knowledge, skills and competencies in the procedures for analysis and diagnosis.


Theoretical syllabus


1. AMINO ACIDS                                                                                                                                        

– Structure and classification

– Acid-base characterization and importance as biological buffer systems

2. PROTEINS                                                                                                                                               

– Structure and function

– Globin family of proteins: case study

– Hemostatic mechanisms and biochemical mediators of vasoconstriction/vasodilation

3. ENZYMES                                                                                                                                                

– Classification

– Mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis; Enzymatic kinetics; Enzymatics regulation; Mechanisms of enzymatic inhibition

4. CARBOHYDRATES                                                                                                                                

– Structure and function

5. LIPIDS                                                                                                                                                     

– Structure and function


6.1 AMINO ACID METABOLISM/REGULATION                                                                                    

6.2 GLUCID METABOLISM/REGULATION                                                                                             

6.3 LIPID METABOLISM/REGULATION                                                                                                   


7. INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM  and biomarkers                                                                                                  

Theoretical-pactical syllabus

Short case studies in Biochemistry

Curricular Unit Teachers




Recommended Bibliography

Quintas A, Freire AP, Halpern MJ. Organização Molecular da Vida, ed. Lidel.

Bioquímica Médica, Baynes & Dominiczak

Secondary bibliography

Bioquímica Ilustrada de Harper. McGrawHill. Ed. Lange

Lehninger-Principles of Biochemistry, International Edition, Nelson DL & Cox MM, MacMillan ed, WH Freeman and Company, NY, USA

Berg JM, Tymoczko JL, Stryer L. Bioquímica. Guanabara koogan