Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Theorical and ptactical classes. Theorical exposition of the program contents. Realization of practical projects in a laboratory studying the media where the plants are developed and grown, plant responses to the stresses and the methods used in plant genetic transformation. Develop the critical capacity mainly with the application of the theorical and practical knowledge adquired and the capacity to discover information related with the studied subjects.
Learning Results
This curricular unit is concerned with topics with a molecular base and cell citology, mechanisms and structure involved in the phenomena of hereditarity and phenotypic variation.
I. It is pretended that the student associates the Mendelian laws at a molecular level and understands the idea and the use of the genotyping, the different proceedings and its analyses.
II. Know the idea of a gene pool and the Hardy-Weinberg principles and get knowledge of the genetic breeding.
III. Knows the techniques regarding the conservation of the genetic resources and understands the animal limits and restrictions in that manner.
1. Application of the Celular Biology in the conservation of the genetic resources.
2. Mendel principles and the intergenic relationships. Hardy Weinberg and the bases of the quantitative genetics in a plant and animal breeding
3. Biodiversity and the use of the genetic resources. In situ, ex situ conservation, gene banks. Criopreservation and the conservation in vitro.
4. The use of the biotechnological processes and methods in germplasm characterization. Specificity in the animal aplication: criopreservation of the sexual cells (haploid cells) and embrions (non diferenciated complex of diploid cells) and the repercussions with the conservation of the patrimony and the genetic breeding.
Grading Methods
- - Theoretical component - 60.0%
- - Practical component - 40.0%
- - Written exam - 100.0%
Fehr, W. (1993) Principles of Cultivar Development. Vol. 1 and 2. Macmillan Publishing Company, USA.
Frankham, R., Ballou, J.D., Briscoe, D.A (2002) Introduction to Conservation Genetics. Cambridge University Press.
N. Kameswara Rao, Jean Hanson, M. Ehsan Dulloo, Kakoli Ghosh, David Nowell and Michael Larinde (2006) Manual of Seed Handling in Genebanks.Handbooks for Genebanks No. 8, Bioversity International, Italy.
Gardner, E.J.; Simmons, M.J. ; Snustad D. P. (1991) Principles of genetics. 8th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hendrick, P.W. (2000). Genetics of populations. 2nd ed. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.