Geographic Information Systems

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The following teaching methodologies are used in this curricular unit: interpretation and analysis of the legal provisions and exposure of contents by the teacher and its discussion with the students; resolution of practical real case studies and court decisions by the students.

Learning Results

At the end of the course unit the student is expected to be able to:
a) Know the national market and geographical information data, sources and sector legislation;
b) Apply the geographic information systems and to the land planning, urban design, risks, economy and other social sciences;
c) Develop vector and raster spatial analysis methodologies;
d) Apply spatial analysis processes on technological platforms


  1. Master the specific vocabulary of geographic information systems;
  2. Understand the fundamentals of geographic information;
  3. Search for geographic information, cartography and reference systems; cartographic projections; relationship between coordinates; georreferencing;
  4. Cartography and layout maps, export and print maps.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bolstad, P. (2019). GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems. Sixth Edition. XanEdu Publishing Inc.. U.S.A.

Cosme, A. (2012). Projeto em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. LIDEL. Lisboa.

Matos, J. (2008). Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica. 5.ª edição. LIDEL. Lisboa.