Geography and Land Use

Base Knowledge

Not aplicable

Teaching Methodologies

Presentation and debate of relevant theoretical concepts in the classroom; Guidance on the autonomous study of students by consulting the recommended bibliography; Discussion and reflection on relevant issues related to the subject exposed in the classroom and presentation and discussion of case studies that reinforce theoretical learning.

Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of:
Legislation and applicable to the area of knowledge
Concepts of Physical and Human Geography and its branches in particular of Urban Geography and Health
Concepts of land use planning and its importance for Environmental Health
The student must acquire skills to:
Recognize and interpret Geography concepts and relate them to health
Define and interpret the relationship between health and urban geography
Recognize the concepts of spatial planning and Environmental Health
The student must learn competences to:
Integrate and/or lead the interpretation and urban management teams
Participate in territorial development and planning actions
Integrate urban management teams


Introduction to Physical Geography and Human Geography
Urban Geography Concepts
Concepts of Health Geography
Spatial Planning – 20th century phenomenon planning schools
Territory Planning Concept land planning process
Territorial Planning Instruments
Public Participation in Spatial Planning

Curricular Unit Teachers





SANTANA, P.; Introdução à Geografia da Saúde (2014); Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra; ISBN 9789892607269



Angelo; CARLOS, Ana Fani Alessandri; Geografia urbana: desafios teóricos contemporâneos; EDUFBA (2018); ISBN: 9788523217938

CAMPBELL, S.; FANSTEIN, S. (2003), Readings in Planning Theory , Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 230p

CONDESSO, F. (2005), Ordenamento do Território, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Politicas, Lisboa, 964p.

FADIGAS, L.S.; Fundamentos Ambientais do Ordenamento do Território e da Paisagem; Edições Sílabo

FIDELIS, T. (2001), Planeamento Territorial e Ambiente, Principia, Cascais, 315p.

MACHADO, J. (2000), A Emergência dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica na Análise e Organização do Espaço, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Lisboa, 540p.

CARVALHO, C.; Ordenamento e Desenvolvimento Territorial (2012); imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra; ISBN 9789892601151