Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching of the course is based on theoretical and practical mainly aimed at solving classes and analysis of case studies to provide a more practical view of theoretical concepts, as well as instigating the initiative and participation of students.
Verbal methods (say), making use of teaching resources exhibition, explanation, Dialogue, Debate
Intuitive methodologies (show), making use of educational resources, demonstration, Audiovisual and Texts Writings;
Active methodologies (do), making use of teaching resources Work Group, Team and Project Case Studies
With regard to the evaluation, the following methods are provided:
1. Periodic evaluation:
a) 2 individual written tests, with a weight of 40% .Each in the final standings.
b) 1 Group work – CASE STUDY; with a 20% weight in the final classification.
2. examination by rating, comprising:
a) Individual written test with 100% of the final classification
Learning Results
Provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge relating to planning models that allow optimization of business efficiency and effectiveness.
Explore a participatory manner the options of strategic management, through treatment and discussion of cases of domestic and international business community, deepening the analysis capabilities, structuring and formulation management solutions.
Develop appropriate, dynamic and flexible strategic attitudes, training mechanisms of observation and analysis that support the decision-making processes.
Provide students with a set of methodologies and tools that enable them to apply management skills in business organizational context.
Characterize and understand the process of strategic analysis
Decide on policy options at the organizational level, business, internationalization and cooperation
Understanding the implementation process of formulation, evaluation and control of the strategy.
I The Business Strategy
1. Schools of strategic thinking
II. strategic analysis of prospects
2.1- Strategic analysis: Analysis of internal and external environment
2.1.1. Analysis from the external environment: transactional and contextual
2.1.2. Industry Analysis and Market.
2.1.3. Analysis of the indoor environment: the company’s analysis and resources
2.2. The competitive position of the company
2.3. Strategic fit: SWOT Analysis
III. Strategy Formulation
3.1. Vision and Mission, Strategic Objectives
3.2. Definition and choice of strategy – The: Business Strategies, Corporate, internationalization and cooperation
3.2.1. Strategy Products / Markets, Vertical Integration, Internationalisation, diversification, business development
IV. Implementation and monitoring strategy
4.1- assessment and control strategy
4.1.2- The formal strategic process: planning and resource allocation
4.1.3- Evaluation and control strategy: The Balanced Scorecard
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - exame escrito - 100.0%
- - Trabalho de grupo ' estudo de caso - 20.0%
- - 1 frequencia escrita - 40.0%
- - 2 frequencia escrita - 40.0%
Carvalho, João M. S. (2013), Planeamento Estratégico, Vida Económica, Porto.
Cardeal, Nuno (2015) Pensamento estratégico: antecipar as ondas de futuro. 2ª edição. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.
Teixeira, S., (2011), Gestão estratégica, Lisboa: Escolar editora
António, N. (Coordenador) (2012)Estratégia Organizacional: do Mercado à Ética, Ed. Escolar Editora
Grant, R. (2013), Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases edition, 8th edition, Wiley and Sons.
Serra, Fernando Ribeiro; et al, (2012), Gestão Estratégica- Conceitos e Prática, 3ª ed., Ed. Lidel, Lisboa
Pearce, J. A., Robinson, R.B. (2013), Strategic Management, 13th edition, McGraw-hill Higher Education
Carvalho, José Crespo e Filipe, José Cruz; (2014), Manual de Estratégia – Conceitos, Prática e Roteiro, 4ª Edição, Ed. Sílabo
Rothaermel, Franck T ; (2013), Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, McGraw-Hill
António, N. (2015) Estratégia Organizacional – do Posicionamento ao Movimento, 3ª Edição, Ed. Sílabo