Base Knowledge
Basic principles of corporate finance.
Teaching Methodologies
The learning process begins with the presentation of the fundamental concepts by the lecturer, followed by the resolution of practical exercises, illustrating the concepts and techniques discussed. During the semester, students should do autonomously two assignments, including written reports and presentations.
Learning Results
The main goal of this course is to provide students with the essential knowledge of financial management, such as the time value of money, the value creation with the investment methods appraisal, the financial report and financial analysis.
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
i) Understand the main principles of financial management
ii) Understand and apply the methods of investment appraisal
iii) Compare and Select different financing sources
iv) Understand the information contained in the different financial statements
v) Analyze the different kind of information required to report and judge the overall economic and financial status of the company
vi) Evaluate different alternatives and justify the proposed solutions
vii) Communicate written and oral, in the context of group work.
Principles of Financial Management
– Time Value of money. Long-term Financial decisions: Capital Investments and Financing the business. Financing the business.
Making capital investment decisions
– Types of investment and the nature of investment decisions. Methods of investment appraisal.
Financial Report
– The major financial statements: Balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. The effect of trading operations on the financial statements
Basics of Taxation
– Portuguese tax systems: main direct and indirect taxes. Main Impacts of taxation on Financial Management and Report
Analyzing and interpreting financial statements
– Profitability, financial and risk ratios. The nature and impact of working capital. Cost–volume–profit analysis
– Budgets, long-term plans and corporate objectives. Using budgets for control and the variance analysis.
Curricular Unit Teachers
- Atrill, P. e McLaney, E. (2006). Accounting and finance for non-specialists, Prentice Hall, 5th ed. (2A-9-11)
- Brealey, R. e Myers, S. (2003). Principles of corporate finance, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, cop., 7th ed., International ed. (2A-5-39)
- Drury, C. (2000). Management and cost accounting, Thomson Learning, cop., 5th ed. (2A-9-10)
- Ferreira, R. F. (2007). Contabilidade para não contabilistas, Almedina, 2ª ed. (2A-9-14)
- Franco, V. (2008). Temas de Contabilidade de Gestão – Os custos, os resultados e a informação para a Gestão, Livros Horizonte (2A-9-12)
- Holmes, G.; Sugden, A. & Gee, P. (2005). Interpreting company reports and accounts. 9th ed, FT Prentice-Hall. (2A-5-40)
- Lopes, I. T. (2013). Contabilidade financeira : preparação das demonstrações financeiras, sua divulgação e análise. Escolar Editora. (2A-9-23)
- Menezes, C. (1996). Princípios de gestão financeira, Editorial Presença, 6ª ed. (2A-5-30)
- Mota, A. G. & et al. (1997). Gestão financeira: casos práticos. 2ª ed., Centro de Investigação de Mercados e Activos Financeiros (2A-5-37)
- Nabais, C. e Nabais, F. (2009). Prática Financeira I – Análise Económica e Financeira, Lidel, 5ª ed.
- Nabais, C. e Nabais, F. (2009). Prática Financeira II – Análise Económica e Financeira, Lidel, 5ª ed.
- das Neves, J. C. (1991). Análise Financeira: métodos e técnicas, Texto Editora, 5ª ed. (2A-5-5)
- Quelhas, A. P. & Correia, F. (2009). Manual de matemática financeira. Almedina. (2A-5-44)
- White, G. I.; Sondhi, A. C. & Fried, D. (2003). The analysis and use of financial statements. Wiley. (2A-5-41)