Governança, cidadania e educação

Base Knowledge

Non applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The methodologies to be used will include the expository method, spaces for discussion, group learning, research works, project design, visits, class presentations (by students), case studies and problem solving.

Learning Results

Apply the concepts associated with urban governance in a smart context, such as the evolution of the idea of government.
Critically analyze the role of technology and various communication and management tools in urban life.
Characterize the central role of citizens in the construction, management and implementation of public policies at the urban level.
Build collaborative solutions for the relationships between government levels and between the government and civil society partners.
Dynamize in facilitating participatory processes.


21st century governance: the complexity of urban problems; strategic thinking and planning; Public policies and decision-making processes; co-production of urbansolutions; governance components; multilevel and multisector governance (vertical and horizontal relations); openness, transparency and accountability;collaboration, networks and partnerships; the role of ICT. E-governance and e-government
Citizenship and citizen participation; participatory processes; the sense of community; wiki government and crowd sourcing. 21st century citizenship(s). Newparadigms and educational content for a new citizenship
Smart people (access to information and technology – inclusion; creativity and innovation; community leaders, shared visionary thinking, continuous learning…)
Access to information and services; the role of technologies; communication tools (case studies)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Câmara Neto, I. A., & Rezende Filho, C. B. (s.d.). A evolução do conceito de cidadania. Recuperado de
Coe, A., Paquet, G., & Roy, J. (2001). E-governance and smart communities: a social learning challenge. Social science computer review, 19(1), 80-93.
García, M. (2006). Citizenship practices and urban governance in European cities. Urban Studies, 43(4), 745-765.
Healey, P. (2006). Transforming governance: Challenges of institutional adaptation and a new politics of space 1. European planning studies, 14(3), 299-320.
Kearns, A., e Paddison, R. (2000). New challenges for urban governance. Urban Studies, 37 (5-6), 845-850.
Le Gales, P. (2002) European Cities: Social Conflicts and Governance (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Paskaleva, K. A. (2009). Enabling the smart city: The progress of city e-governance in Europe. International Journal of Innovation and regional development, 1(4),405-422.
PPT slides presented during the lectures