Base Knowledge
Anatomy of the cardiovascular system;
Physiology of the cardiovascular system;
Byophysics applied to the cardiocirculatory system;
Eletrocardiography and Cardiac Ultrassonography.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching of the curricular unit is divided into three components: a theoretical, a theoretical-practical and a practical. The teaching methods applied to theoretical and theoretical-practical components are a) Expository method, in which the principles and concepts as in the proposed program are approached, using audio visual means: b) the interactive Method with privileged discussion on major themes introduced in class, and allow a practical integration of theoretical concepts.
In the practical component students are part of the multidisciplinary team in the Cardiac Catheterization laboratory, under the supervision of a senior, developing in real context the instrumental skills arising from the process of theoretical training.
Evaluation of the curricular unit takes the form of written test and continuous evaluation, in theoretical and theoretical-practical components and practical evaluation and continuous evaluation in the practical component, framing the Evaluation Rules.
Learning Results
The complexity and requirement of the procedures implemented in a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, and the risks involved, require that the professionals integrated into multidisciplinary teams in this context hold an in-depth knowledge of cardiovascular Anatomy and pathophysiology, which must be integrated into all technological aspects of Intervention Cardiology, as well as in all aspects of professional safety and protection, with a particular focus on radiological protection. On the other hand, in a multidisciplinary team environment requires a thorough knowledge of the skills of each team member, as well as the development of communication and organization skills, particularly important in cardiovascular emergency contexts in which these teams often act. Faced with these particular characteristics, the program of the curricular unit has been designed to comply with internationally requirements, and ensure the acquisition of the skills needed.
At the end of this curricular unit students should be able to:
-Know all the material and equipment used in invasive diagnostic techniques and therapeutic cardiovascular;
-Know the protocols of cardiac catheterization;
-Know indications, contraindications and complications regarding the application of different diagnostic and therapeutic techniques;
– Know the ionizing radiation effect (x-rays) and their means of protection;
-Have general notions about the radiological image;
-Identify and evaluate hemodynamic parameters and angiographic in the different cardiovascular pathologies;
-Identify the atherosclerotic lesions in coronary tree and classify them quantitatively and qualitatively;
-Integrate the results of invasive diagnostic techniques in the clinical context and with other complementary means of diagnosis;
-Integrate the results of invasive therapeutic intervention techniques in the clinical context and evaluate the results;
– Introduction
II – Hemodynamic Laboratory
III – Preparation of Cardiac Catheterization
IV – Hemodynamic Data
1. Protocol of the left heart catheterization
2. Protocol of the right heart catheterization
3. Hemodynamic Assessment
V – Angiographic Data
1. Basics notions
2. Coronariography
4. Radiological Impact
5. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of coronary lesions
6. Ventriculography
7. Arteriography
8. Pulmonary Angiography
9. Peripheral Angiography
VI – Percutaneous coronary intervention
1. Definition
2. Indications, contraindications and complications
3. Material
4. Procedure
5. Complementary techniques
VII – Percutaneous cardiovascular intervention
1. Valvuloplasty
2. Peripheral intervention
3. Intervention in congenital cardiopathies
VIII – Emerging techniques in Hemodynamic
XIX – Functions of the second Catheterization operator according to international recommendations.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Primary recommended bibliography:
Nguyen, T.N., et al. Practical handbook of advanced interventional cardiology : tips and tricks. 3rd ed. Malden, Mass : Blackwell Pub., 2008. ISBN 978-1-4051-6955-4
Topol E.J., et al. Textbook of interventional cardiology. 5 th ed. Philadelphia, PA : Saunders /Elsevier, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4160-4835-0
Kern, M.; et al. SCAI interventional cardiology board review book. 1st ed. Philadelphia, PA ; Baltimore ; New York, etc : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. ISBN 978-0-7817-6197-0
Baim, D.S.; et al. Grossman’s Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention. 8th Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2013