Base Knowledge
It is recommended that the student has attended to obtained success in the following UCs: Exterior and Anatomy of the Horse and Management of Horses.
Teaching Methodologies
- Theoretical exposure.
- Practical demonstrations by teachers of some practices referred to in the classes of theoretical approach and practical implementation of them by the students.
Learning Results
- Know the main viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases of the horse;
- Know the main defense mechanisms against diseases;
- Evaluates the horse’s hygienic-sanitary status;
- Together with other professionals, it plans the main prophylactic health measures to be applied to the horse;
- Know the reproductive system of horses;
- Identify the best time to carry out the reproductive management of horses;
- Prepare the necessary conditions for the normal course of births in a stud farm;
- Recognize the main disorders of the equine locomotor system.
1. Hygiene and health of horses:
1. Animal welfare and health maintenance;
- Signs of illness;
- Signs of parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases;
- Laboratory evidence of some disease agents (microbial, fungal and parasitic) – using practical examples;
- Prophylactic measures
2. Equine Reproduction:
- Anatomy and physiological principles;
- Estrous cycle and hormones involved;
- Natural breeding and artificial insemination.
3. Muscle skeletal system apparatus and its main diseases.
4. First aid and main forms of treatment in horses.
Curricular Unit Teachers
- Blanchard, T. L., Dickson, D. V., Schumacher, J. (1998). Manual of Equine Reproduction, Mosby, Missouri.
- Equine Research Inc. (1992). Breeding Management & Foal Development, Texas.
- McKinnon, A. O.; Voss, J. L. (1992). Equine Reproduction, Williams & Wilkins, Media,
- Ministère de L’Agriculture, de la Pêche et de L’Alimentation (1996). Insémination Artificielle Équine – Guide Pratique, 2ª ed, Institut du
- Cheval, Paris.
- Santiago, S.M.A. (2011). Avaliação de endometrite em éguas. Relatório de estágio de licenciatura em Agro-pecuária, ESAC.
- Shulaw, W. P. e Bowman, G. (2001). Desinfection in On- farm Biosecurity Procedures. Ohio States, Extension FactSheet.
- Silva, A. 2000. Hipologia – guia para o estudo do cavalo. Lidel. ISBN: 9789727576012
- USDA, Program Aid nº 1825. Biosecurity – The Key to Keeping your Horses Healthy, 2005.
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- Vogel, C. (1997). Manual Completo de Tratamento de Cavalos. Lisboa, Copyright by Centralivros Lda.
- The British Horse Society e The Pony Club. (1992). Manual Prático de Equitação. Editorial Presença.