Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Composed of theoretical-practical classes the lessons will involve the exposure of information by the teacher, with appeal to teacher-student, exploring – in large or small group – documents provided by the teacher and occurring at the same time, the achievement and guidance of work.
The evaluation was organized according to the provisions Academic Regulation of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the IPC: continuous evaluation or evaluation examination.
The continuous/periodic assessment takes into account the individual performance of the students, namely, their attendance, motivation, participation and critical reflection (20%), as well as the resolution of a test (40%) and the elaboration and discussion of works (40%). Aspects such as structure and organization of information, recipients’ adequacy and work goals, language used, quality and correctness of scientific information will be valued. Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and oral test (only if the classificatio
Learning Results
Carry out operations and use specific instruments of the History methodology.
Characterise peoples and cultures that during time settled themselves in the geographic area that is presently Portugal.
Comprehend the genesis and evolution of the portuguese social formation from the eleventh century to the fifteenth century as a process of persistances and changes.
Develop questioning and problematisation habits towards new situations or the acquired knowledge.
Recognise History’s specificity in the group of the Social Sciences.
Use historic and geographic vocabulary in a clear way and also adapted to the different teaching/learning situations.
Describe the main morfological groups at an international, european and national level.
Point out the main climatic groups/zones.
Apply demographic concepts in the geographic analysis.
Establish a causal relation between the evolution and distribution of portuguese population with the different natural and human factors.
I. History under the light of the actual conceptions of Science.
II. The History in the Basic Education: The programmes of the Social Environment (1ºCEB) and of the History and Geography of Portugal (2ºCEB).
III. Before Portugal: from the origins to the Christian reconquest.
V. The great morphological sets at world, European and national level.
VI. Different types of temperate climates.
VII. The relationship between the evolution and distribution of the Portuguese population with natural and human factors.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Frequency - 40.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Elaboration and discussion of works - 40.0%
Brito, R. S. (1997). Portugal, Perfil Geográfico. Editorial Estampa
Daveau, S. (1995) Portugal Geográfico. Sá da Costa Editores
Marques, A. H. O. & Dias, J. J. A. (2003). Atlas Histórico de Portugal e do Ultramar Português. Universidade Nova/Centro de Estudos Históricos.
Mattoso, J. (Dir.). (2011). História da Vida Privada em Portugal. Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores.
Medeiros, C. (1992). Geografia Humana de Portugal. Complementos para um ensino à distância. Universidade Aberta.
Medeiros, C. A. (Dir.) (2005). Geografia de Portugal. 5 Volumes. Círculo de Leitores.
Proença, M. C. (2015). Uma História Concisa de Portugal. Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores.
Ramos, R. (Coord.) (2010). História de Portugal (3ª ed.). Esfera dos Livros.
Serrão, J. et al. (Dir.) (1979-2016). Dicionário de História de Portugal. 12 Volumes. Figueirinhas.
Serrão, J., Marques, A. H. O. (Dir.). (1987-2004). Nova História de Portugal. 12 Volumes. Editorial Presença.