History of Theatre and of Dramatic Literature III

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit can be carried out in the form of continuous assessment or examination.
Continuous evaluation:
1.1 Analysis and reflection of a dramatic text and its parallelism with other narratives (50%) – written work or written test
1.2 Analysis and reflection on a specific topic addressed in the selected works (25%)
2. Participation in sessions (25%)
Exam: 100%

Learning Results

The student should be able to:
– Know the fundamental dramatic texts of the theatrical repertoire in the West.
– Recognize the different periods of theater history. .
– To detect elements of rupture or continuity between the different periods.
– Know the most significant texts of theoretical reflection on the theatrical phenomenon. .Identify and relate the different elements that contribute to the performance of the show.
– Relate theater texts with the socio-cultural context in which they were produced.


The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century – historical contextualization.
II Naturalism, realism and symbolism
1. G. Buchner.
2. Henrik Ibsen.
3. Raúl Brandão
4. August Strindberg
5. Anton Chekhov.
6. Federico Garcia Lorca
7. Bertholt Brecht

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Analysis and reflection of a dramatic text and its parallelism with other narratives (50%) - written work or written test - 50.0%
  • - Participation in sessions - 25.0%
  • - Analysis and reflection on a specific topic addressed in the selected works - 25.0%




Antoine, André (2001). Conversas sobre a encenação. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 7 Letras.

Ariés, Philippe e Duby, Georges (direção)(1990). História da Vida Privada – Da Revolução à Grande Guerra. Vol- IV. Porto: Afrontamento.

Borie, Monique; Rougemont, Martine de; Scherer, Jacques (1996). Estética Teatral; textos de Platão a Brecht. Lisboa: Gulbenkian.

Barata, J. Oliveira (1991). História do teatro português. Lisboa: Universidade aberta.

Berthold,Margot (2001). História mundial do teatro. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.

Danan, Joseph; Ryngaert, Jean-Pierre (1997). Éléments pour une histoire du texte de théâtre. Paris: Dunod.

Mattoso, José (direção)(2011). História da Vida Privada em Portugal – A Época Contemporânea. Lisboa: Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores.

Molinari, Cesare (2010). História do teatro. Lisboa: Edições 70.