
Base Knowledge

Anatomy, Cellular Biology and Histology

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical development of the program contents previewed using an expository and interrogative method and with direct student’s participation.
In the practical classes will be use a demonstrative methodology of the concepts learned, with resolution and discussion of practical problems, implementation of individual techniques and microscopic observation of histological slides.

Learning Results

The student should acquire knowledge of:

1. The contribution of histotechnology in the context of Pathology.

2. Histotechnology theoretical and practical concepts characterizing the histological technique in a biological, physical and chemical perspective and recognizing the conditions for its application.

3. The role of the professional in pathology integrating the multidisciplinary laboratory team.

The student should acquire skills to:

4. Apply histotechnology methodologies  in laboratory setting interpreting macro and microscopic chemical, physical and biological reactions of histological specimens from biopsy or surgical specimen in order to implement corrective measures.

5. Managing reagents and materials sustainably from the economical and environmental point of view.

6. Prepare reports of techniques contributing to the diagnostic interpretation.

7. Use various laboratory equipment.

The student should acquire competences to:

8. Select and manage autonomously the different procedures and steps of histological technique, depending on the different types of biological material to process and structures to demonstrate, identifying technical errors and their resolution.

9. Understand the laboratory dynamics  and the ethical/deontological approach in the treatment of human and animal biological samples.

10. Integrate the behaviors of hygiene and safety in the laboratory context safeguarding the quality of the final product.


– Introduction:

  • The pathological anatomy laboratory
  • Pathological anatomy
  • Histological technique
  • Organization of the pathological anatomy laboratory
  • Laboratory equipment and materials apllied to pathological anatomy

– Reception and macroscopic recording:

  • Types of biological material

– Macroscopic examination:

  • Material and equipment
  • Macroscopic description

-Fixation and fixatives

– Decalcification of tissues

– Histological processing

– Inclusion


– Coloration

– Quality Control

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary References:

1. Bancroft, J. & Gamble, M. (2002). Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques (5.ªed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

2. Moral, Raimundo Garcia del (1993). Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (1ª ed.). Madrid: McGraw-Hill – Interamericana de Espana.

3. Carson, Freida (2000). Histotechnology: A Self-Instrumentation Text (2ª Ed.). American Society Clinical Pathology  

Secondary References:

– Luna, L. (1992). Histopathologic Methods and Color Atlas of Special Stain and Tissue Artifacts. Maryland: Ameerican Histolabs.

– Kiernan, J.A. (2208) Histological and histochemical Methods (4th Ed). England:Scion Publishing Ltd ISBN:9781904842422.