
Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The development of the theoretical component is carried out using the expository method and presentation of specific materials, using participatory exhibition strategies and practical examples, as well as occasional passages of videos, slideshows and documentaries, as a complement to the information on the topics in question ; The organization of seminars with guest speakers and study visits is also worth considering. The preparation of field work, using the techniques discussed, involving observation and discussion of the class, is part of the practice of UC, forcing the student to structure and apply the knowledge acquired in situations with their respective applicability.

Learning Results

1. Understand the concept and importance of Horticulture; 2. Identify the main horticultural families and species and understand their cultural requirements; 3. Plan, install and maintain a vegetable garden; 4. Possess relevant knowledge of horticultural technology; 5. Perform horticultural tasks


1. Concept of Horticulture and its importance; 2. Planning and Installation of a vegetable garden; rules and principles to be established: shifting, rotations, consociations, intercropping and staggering; 3. Knowledge of horticultural technology and cultural operations: sowing, transplanting, pricking out, watering, thinning and weeding; 4. Special care in horticulture: grafting, pruning, topping, capping and castration, tutoring, bleaching and etching; 5. Knowledge of horticultural technology with regard to: greenhouses, tunnels, nurseries and substrates; 6. The “greenhouse effect” and the “temperature inversion”; methods, techniques, systems and materials used in “forcing, semi-forcing and ground cover”; 7. Environmental conditioning and soil disinfection; 8. Cultural requirements and operations of the main families and horticultural species and identification of seeds;

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Módulo 1 avalia os resultados de aprendizagem referentes às competências 1, 2 e 3. Teste escrito - 50.0%
  • - Módulo 2 avalia os resultados de aprendizagem referentes às competências 4 e 5. Teste escrito - 50.0%




ALMEIDA, D. (2006). Manual de Culturas Hortícolas, Vol. I. Editorial Presença. Lisboa.

ALMEIDA, D. (2006). Manual de Culturas Hortícolas, Vol. II. Editorial Presença. Lisboa. BUNT, A.C. (1988). Media and Mixes for Container Grown Plants. Unwin Hyman Ltd, London, G.B., 309 p. G.P.A.A. (2006).

Anuário Hortofrutícola. Ministério da Agricultura, do desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas, Lisboa.

HANAN, Joe J. (1998). Greenhouses: Advanced Tecnology for protected horticulture. CRC Press LLC, Florida, U.S.A., 684 p.

JANICK, J. (1977). Horticultural Science. W.H. Freeman and Company. Fouth Edition. New York.

RUBATZKY, V.; YAMAGUCHI, Mas (1983) – Word Vegetables. Principles, Production and nutritive Values. Chapman

MAROTO, J.V. (1990). Elementos de Horticultura General. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.

SEMEDO, C.M. Bugalho (1988). A Intensificação da Produção Hortícola – O meio ambiente, a preparação de plantas e a protecção das culturas. 4ª ed., Publicações Europa- América, Port., 187 p.