Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
It is used the video projector, the whiteboard or the research on the web. Each subject studied is achieved with current examples. A constant verification of the monitoring of the presented material is made through questions, conversations and discussions of great interactivity. This curricular unit implies extensive practical work in order to increase student participation, encouraging them to participate in the construction of knowledge.
Learning Results
Understand the importance and AppIy the knowIedge of the Human Perception System, the Cognitive System and the Motor System to design systems taiIored to the user needs.
Understand, AppIy and AnaIyse MentaI and ConceptuaI ModeIs and define the most important features for the success of an interaction.
ExpIain and understand the usefuIness of metaphors in the interface. Define the Interaction Modes and the Interaction StyIes.
Know, AppIy and AnaIyse the principIes of good interaction design and graphic design.
Understand the importance and AppIy Task AnaIysis and User AnaIysis for the success of an interactive system.
Know, AppIy and test the ruIes of Heuristic EvaIuation, Predictive Assessment and EmpiricaI Methods, in the evaIuation of interactive systems.
Describe and present the prototype of a project, being abIe to convincingIy expIain why the project is good. Present and expIain the deveIoped projects.
FoIIow and understand the evoIution of interaction mechanisms.
I Introduction Concepts
II Human Factors
III Psychology of Everyday things
IV Interaction Models
V Interaction Design
VI Project
VII Usability and Accessibility
VIII Evaluation
Curricular Unit Teachers