Teaching Methodologies
This course is structured on the basis of an active pedagogical model, centered on student, by sharing information and by the construction and encouragement of the critical dinkingt. It is intended to promote interaction, sharing ideas and the joint construction of knowledge based on the plurality of experiences and knowledge.
Mandatory reading materials will be available for students, ans also optional/addicional reading materials.
Individual and / or group activities are envisaged that will involve the active participation of the students.
Theoretical exploration of subjects will be done and complemented with exercises / case studies, guided by the teacher in the practical classes. Preparation of a written report, properly documented.
The mixed theaching methodology allows to cover theoretical and practical knowledge in the promotion of individualized health promotion and nutritional recommendations.
Learning Results
1- Understand the food in its complexity and constant evolution. 2 – Recognize food as a key factor in the life of the human being. 3 – Know the determinants of food choices. 4 – Understand the concepts of food and nutrient. 5 – Identify and characterize the different groups of nutrients. 6 – Understand and characterize the food wheel. 7 – Understand the specifications of food in different phases of life. 8 – Know the main food mistakes and conceptualize a healthy diet. 9 – Identify and characterize the main bioactive compounds present in foods, especially those of biological origin. 10 – Recognize the importance of dietary intervention in different pathological situations. 11 – Understand the different aspects of food toxicology. 12 – Identify and characterize the main categories of functional foods. 13 – Know the food legislation, in particular the one that refers to nutritional labeling and food supplements.
1 History and evolution of human food. Factors that determine food choice.
2 Basic human anatomy and physiology. Chemical composition of the human body.
3 Nutrition. Classification of foods. Concept of nutrient. Functions of nutrients. Classification, sources, function and metabolism of the nutrient groups. Characterization of the Portuguese Food Wheel. Food balance and nutritional balance. Eating errors. Basic rules for healthy eating. Food intake in different phases and circumstances of life, especially in relation to health.
4 Diet therapy applied to most commun non communicable chronic disease.
5 Food toxicology. Toxic substances and its action on the human body. Residues of pesticides in food and their toxicity. Characterization of the bioactive compounds present in foods, especially those of biological origin.
7 Food supplements.
8 Functional foods. Definition. Characterization of the categories of functional foods.
9 Nutrition labeling of foodstuffs
10 Legislation
Grading Methods
- - Research work - 30.0%
- - Written test - 70.0%
- - Written exam - 100.0%
Apontamentos elaborados pela docente e disponibilizados aos estudantes durante o período letivo da UC.
Berdanier C.D., 2002. Handbook of nutrition and food. Ed. CRC Press LLC. p. 772. ISBN: 0-8493-2705-9.
Cunha L. N., 2008. Anorexia, bulimia e compulsão alimentar. Ed. Atheneu. p. 170. ISBN: 978-85-7379-964-4.
Farré C. e Vilar P., 2007. La enfermedad celíaca paso a paso. Ed. Edebé, Barcelona. p. 167. ISBN: 978-84-236-8300-0.
Leite J.P.V., 2009. Fitoterapia. Bases Científicas e Tecnológicas. Ed. Atheneu. p. 328. ISBN: 978-85-7379-237-9.
Mahan L. K., Escott-Stump S., 2010. Krause – Alimentos, Nutrição e Dietoterapia. 12ª Ed., Elsevier Ed. Lda. p. 1351. ISBN: 978-1-4160-3401-8.
Matsudo S. M. M. e Matsudo V. K. R., 2007. Atividade física e obesidade, prevenção e tratamento. Ed. Atheneu, p. 212. ISBN: 978-85-7379-947-7.
Pinto J. F., 2010. Nutracêuticos e alimentos funcionais. Lidel edições técnicas Lda. 276 p. ISBN: 978-972-757-624-1.
Rolfes S.R., Pinna K., Whitney E., 2009. Understanding normal and clinical nutrition. 8th Ed. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 925 p. ISBN-13: 978-0-495-55646-6.
Schiff W. J., 2008. Nutrition for healthy living. Ed. McGraw-Hill International. p. 481. ISBN 978-0-07-128347-2.