Base Knowledge
Know the Manager’s Functions: Planning, Organizing, Motivation, Leadership and Controlling. Distinguish manager functions from business functions.
Teaching Methodologies
The UC’s teaching methodologies include lectures, with a critical participation of students, discussion of cases
studies on the subject area.
Learning Results
To understand the strategic dimension of current human resources management;
To understand the cultural framework of human resources management;
To know the main tasks, processes and tools of human resources management.
Apply strategic human resource management concepts in the organisational context;
Use the main people management tools and processes;
Recognise the importance of the human resources function for organisational effectiveness and efficiency;
Identify the interconnections between human resources management and other organisational functions.
1 – Relevance, evolution and organizational framework of HRM
1.1 – The current management paradigm: People as the main competitive factor.
1.2 – The evolution of the HRM function and the Hard and Soft approaches.
1.3 – Human resource management subsystems: The main functions, activities and objectives
1.4 – Strategic management of human resources: Alignment with organizational strategy.
1.5 – The centrality of the Description and Analysis of Functions: Process and methods.
2 – Attraction, Selection and Integration
2.1 – Types and sources of traditional recruitment versus e.recruitment and social recruitment.
2.2 – Employer branding practices: Employer attractiveness and talent attraction and retention.
2.3 – Definition of the professional profile – Selection and preparation criteria sheet for the publication.
2.4 – The traditional interview versus the behavioral interview (CBBI) and the situational interview.
2.5 – General characterization of the types of tests/selection tests.
2.6 – Making the selection decision and final interviews.
2.7 – The process of welcoming and integrating new employees – methods and practices.
2.8 – Validation practices for the selection and integration process.
3 – Performance Assessment and Management
3.1 – The evolution of the evaluation concept and objectives: From evaluation to performance management.
3.2 – Traditional valuation methods versus current valuation trends.
3.3 – Formulation of indicators and targets: the importance of “SMART” objectives.
3.4 – Process implementation phases and the evaluation cycle.
3.5 – Conducting evaluation interviews and personal development plan.
4 – International Human Resource Management
4.1 – Organizational strategies and practices in an international context
4.2 – The national dimension in organizational cultures.
4.3 – Influence of the cultural context on fundamental HR management practices.
4.4 – Expatriation: Process, organizational objectives and sociocultural adjustment of expatriates.
4.5 – Organizational advantages and disadvantages of selecting expatriates vs. natives.
5 – Training, Skills Development and Career
5.1 – Objectives and types of training and development in organizations.
5.2 – From the diagnosis of training needs to the validation and assessment of impacts.
5.3 – Stages of career development: Career management plans.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Azmi, Feza Tabassum; Strategic Human Resource Management; Cambridge University Press; 2019
Beardwell, Julie and Amanda Thompson; Human Resource Management: a contemporary approach; Pearson Education; 2017
Caetano, António e Jorge Vala; Gestão de Recursos Humanos; Editora RH; 2007
Collings, David G. et al.; Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach; Routledge; 2018
Dessler, Gary; Human Resource Management; Pearson Education; 2023
Ferreira, Aristides Isidoro et al.; GRH para Gestores; Editoria RH; 2015
Lussier, Robert N.; Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development; Sage Publications, Inc; 2018
Moreira, Paulo Pinto; Textos de Gestão de Recursos Humanos; ISCAC; 2021
Noe, Raymond et al.; Fundamentals of Human Resource Management; McGraw-Hill Education; 2024
Rego, Arménio et al.; Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano; Edições Sílabo; 2015
Snell, Scott A. and Shad Morris; Managing Human Resources; Cengage Learning; 2018
Sousa, Maria José et al.; Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Lidel; 2012
Storey, John et al.; Strategic Human Resource Management: A Research Overview; Routledge; 2019
Torrington, Derek et. al.; Human Resource Management; Pearson Education; 2020
Wilkinson, Adrian et al.; The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management; Sage Publications, Inc; 2019
Wilkinson, Adrian and Tony Dundon; Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases; Sage Publications, Inc; 2021