Base Knowledge
not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
The curricular unit teaching, has an eminently theoretical-practical character. Alongside the expository methodology, it will focus on active methodologies of text analysis, demonstration/analysis of real cases, simulation, using the respective practical instruments.
Learning Results
Objectives: Acquisition of knowledge and organizational practices that provide a thorough understanding of the organizational relevance of human resource management. It is intended that students know human resources management approaches, methodologies and tools, that in an organizational context allow them to fully participate, contributing to the creation of value and the individual fulfillment of employees.
Skills to develop:
– Understand the relevance of the human factor in organizations.
– Know the human resources management activities and the respective need for organizational strategic alignment.
– Know employer branding practices, suitable for different organizational contexts.
– Interpret job descriptions.
– Participate in structuring, attracting, selecting and integrating new employee processes.
– Recognize the centrality of performance appraisal, as part of the performance management process, interpreting instruments and methodologies, in order to be able to intervene in different phases.
– Understand the effects of international HRM strategies and practices.
– Interpret effective practices of preparation and monitoring of expatriation processes.
– Understand the current relevance of training, skills development and career planning.
1.Relevance, evolution and organizational framework of HRM
1.1. The current management paradigm: People as the main competitive factor.
1.2. The evolution of the HRM function, anchored in organizational theories.
1.3. Human resource management subsystems: The main functions, activities and objectives.
1.4. Strategic HR Management: Hard and Soft Approaches – alignment with organizational strategy
1.5. The centrality of the job description and functions analysis: Process and methods.
2. Attraction, Selection and Onboarding
2.1. Attraction – Recruitment
2.1.1. Traditional Recruitment types and sources Vs e.recruitment, and Social Recruitment.
2.1.2. The employer branding
2.1.3. Professional profile definition – Publication selection and publication evaluation form.
2.2. Selection and Onboarding
2.2.1. The traditional interview Vs the behavioral interview (CBBI) and the situational interview.
2.2.2. Final interviews and selection decision.
2.2.3. The onboarding process– methods and practices.
2.2.4. The selection and integration process validation.
3. Performance Appraisal and Performance Management
3.1. From evaluation to performance management.
3.2. Traditional Appraisal Methods Vs Current trends.
3.3. Indicators and targets formulation: The importance of “SMART” objectives.
3.4. Implementation of the process, phases and evaluation cycle.
3.5. Assessment interviews and the individual development plan.
4. International Human Resources Management
4.1. Strategies and organizational practices in the international context.
4.2. The national dimension in organizational cultures.
4.3. Cultural context influence on fundamental HR management practices.
4.4. Expatriation: Process, organizational objectives and sociocultural adjustment of expatriates.
4.5. Organizational advantages and disadvantages of expat selection Vs natives.
5. Training, Skills and Career Development
5.1. Objectives and typologies of training and development in organizations.
5.2. From the diagnosis of impact needs to the validation and evaluation of organizational impacts.
5.3. Career development stages: Career management plans.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Fundamental bibliography:
– Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. (2023). Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice: A Guide to the theory and practice of people management (16th Ed.). London,UK: Kogan Page.
– Pina e Cunha, M., Rego, A., Campos e Cunha, R., Cabral-Cardoso, C., Marques, C.A. & Gomes, J.S. (2015). Manual de gestão de pessoas e do capital humano (3ª Ed.) Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
– Textos de Apoio – gestão de recursos humanos, disponibilizados no Nonio – inforestudante da UC.
Complementary bibliography:
– Camara, P.B. (2015). Manual de gestão e avaliação de desempenho (2ºEd.). Lisboa: Editora RH.
– Cardim, J.C. (2012). Gestão da formação nas organizações. A formação na prática e na estratégia das organizações (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Lidel Edições Técnicas.
– Holbeche, L. (2022). Aligning human resources and business strategy (3rd Ed.). London, UK: Routledge.
– O´Meara, B. & Petzall, S. (2013). The handbook of strategic recruitment and selection: A systems approach. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
– Rego, A. & Pina e Cunha, M. (2009). Manual de gestão transcultural de recursos humanos. Lisboa: RH Editora.
– Tarique, I., Briscoe, R. & Schuller, R.S. (2022). International human resource management policies and practices for multinational enterprises (6th Ed.). London, UK: Routledge.