
Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Expository lectures using audiovisual media and interactive between student and teacher, with
use of theoretical-practical lessons to enhance understanding of the contents of the lectures.
Students are accompanied during the semester with questions, whenever requested, and as a
complement to education.
Are offered two hours per week, with pre-defined schedule or combine with the student.
Are also delivered to each student teaching props of all matter taught in each lesson, as well as
the references are recommended for discipline, at the beginning of the school year.

Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of:
Fundamental concepts and principles of underground hydrology and geology;
Components of surface hydrology;
Water propagation mechanism at the underground level;
Processes for opening and maintaining catchments and forms of aquifer contamination,.
The student must acquire skills to:
Develop practices in the field of assessment techniques, exploration and management of groundwater resources;
Recognize and understand the hydrological cycle;
The student must acquire competences to:
Research the amounts of water used by men in their activities;
Distinguish between contamination and pollution;
Recognize types of pollution;
Identify the various points of water contamination.


Theorical matrix
1 -General notions of geology
2 – Pedology
3 – Principles of European Water Charter; distribution of water on Earth; importance of groundwater and evolution of water consumption
4 – Hydrology
5 – Hydrogeological formations
6 – Hydrochemical water quality
7 – Underground water resources in Portugal
Theoretical-practical matrix
1- Observation of minerals and rocks
2 – Development of a topographic profile and a geological cut
3 – Consultation of geological maps, geological maps and identification of symbols related to water resources
4 – Statistical analysis of rainfall data
5 – Determination of average and weighted rainfall in a watershed
6 – Determination of the values of RET and PET
7 – Performance of sequential monthly water balance at ground level
8 – Distribution of the values of P, R and ET in Portugal
9 – Application of Darcy’s Law

Curricular Unit Teachers




Main bibliography:

– Estudo e classificação das rochas por exame macroscópico costa, J. Botelho da fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 2000
– Noções gerais de geologia e geologia geral de Portugal. Abreu, M.M.. Edição AEISA 1994
– Caracterização, origem e comportamento dos constituintes da crusta de meteorização. i. caracterização químicoestrutural dos constituintes da fase sólida; ii comportamento dos iões em solução aquosa; iii mecanismos e processos de meteorização; iv comportamento das fases sólidas no sistema sólido-líquido. Abreu, M.M. Edição Aeisa 1994/95/96
– Ferreira, M. P., (2000) – Recursos hidricos disponíveis e usaveis: âmbito das responsabilidades autarquicas, instituto de investigação da água. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra

Additional bibliography:

– Geologia: petrogénese e orogénese, Carvalho, a. M. Galopim Universidade Aberta, Lisboa 1997
– Geologia: morfogénese e sedimentogénese, Carvalho, A. M. Galopim Universidade Aberta, Lisboa 1996