Base Knowledge
Mathematical analysis, including differential and integral calculus.
Statistics and probabilities.
Degree level knowledge of electrical engineering, electrical circuits, electrical measurements and linear systems.
Introduction to information signals and communication systems.
Teaching Methodologies
Exposition and discussion of themes in lectures including practical examples demonstrating specific concepts.
Approaching practical problems in laboratory classes, both through exercises and by carrying out simulation/synthesis work that are proposed.
A set of laboratory works with real applications in the field.
Learning Results
In this course, it is intended to introduce a set of communication and telecommunications concepts, technologies and systems, used in industrial and business environments.
The studied components allow providing an integrated view of the different technologies and systems in order to guarantee the quantitative and qualitative interpretation to support the planning and operation of communication systems in industrial and business environments.
The skills to be acquired are:
Know and understand the communication technologies available on the market.
Know and understand the main telecommunications systems and services.
Know and understand conventional telephone systems: PCM and multiplexing.
Know and understand the fundamentals of radio communication systems in general and UHF and microwave links in particular.
Know and understand the fundamentals of optical communication systems, wireless networks, cellular networks and sensor networks.
Know and understand the support infrastructures for data networks and the Internet.
Know and understand industrial communication systems, using equipment available on the market.
Know and understand, choose, design, execute and maintain local networks, using equipment available on the market.
Understand and perform diagnosis of communication problems in local and industrial networks.
Module 1 – Communications
Theoretical Component:
Model and objectives of a communication system. The ISO model.
Information and information signals, representation in time and frequency.
Concepts of attenuation, distortion, noise and interference in physical communication channels.
Physical communication channels: metallic cables, optical fibers and radio transmission, cellular networks.
Baseband transmission and main analog and digital modulation techniques.
PCM systems and FDM and TDM multiplexing.
Limitations of physical channels and definition of bandwidth and capacity.
Basic concepts of cellular networks, satellite communications, GPS, communications in energy networks and Smart Grids, IoT.
Telecommunications and radio spectrum services. Normalization and legal aspects.
Support communications infrastructure for the Internet.
Examples and power balances in communication systems: metallic cable connections, optical fibers, terrestrial broadcasting, radio beams, satellite connections, cellular networks and wireless networks.
Motivation for recent and future developments: Industry 4.0, Industrial 5G, satellite constelations, AI, Big Data, 6G.
Practical Component:
Transmission of an analog signal at 64kbps (PCM) with simulation in Matlab/Simulink PSK and QAM Modulation Techniques with simulation in Matlab/Simulink
Presentation, description and resolution of typical problems including power balance with noise, signals with analog and digital modulation,
and equipment characteristics within the following topics:
– Transmission in pairs and coaxial cables – Transmission by optical fiber – Transmission by radio beams – Satellite transmission (DVB-S and GPS) – Terrestrial broadcasting (FM Radio and DVB-T) – WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular networks, wireless sensors and IoT networks.
Module 2 – Networks
Theoretical Component:
Telecommunications and Internet services.
Voice communication services in a business environment; data networks and Internet and its essential services: WEB, EMAIL, VOIP, file sharing, real-time data sharing, data sharing between information systems.
Physical means for networks in business and industrial environments.
Industrial and business network protocols and TCP/IP: technologies, integration, network interconnection and routing Operating systems and network communication functionalities Mobility, security and privacy in communications.
Cloud services.
Practical Component:
– Iot application;
– installation of: operating system; mail server, web page server, dns server;
– data transfer between computer systems: use of specific frameworks;
– sending/receiving encrypted emails;
– information synchronization using webservices;
– Networks: Implementation of small business networks. Implementation of IP services with business application: VOIP and SNMP;
– Bibliographic synthesis work.
Note: in 2023/2024 Module 2 is teached first.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Module 1 – Communications:
Main bibliography:
• Carlson, B. A. (1986). Communication Systems: An introduction to Signals and Noise in Electrical Communication. ISBN 0-07-100560-9. Cota: 1-8-7(ISEC)-06235
• Haykin, S. (2006). An Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications. ISBN 0-471-61716-4. ISBN 0-471-85978-8. Cota: 1-8-43(ISEC)-05482
• Lathi, B. P. (2004). Sinais e sistemas lineares. ISBN 0-471-61716-4. ISBN 0-19-515129-1. Cota: 1A-10-12(ISEC)-12591
• Forouzan, B.A., Fegan, S. C. (2000). Data Communications and Networking. ISBN 978-0-07-296775-3. Cota: 1A-6-195(ISEC)-15095
• Lopes, F. (2024). Slides of lecture’s presentations (support academic platform).
• Manuals of equipment used in laboratory classes (support academic platform).
• ANACOM, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (2021). Regulamentação de serviços de telecomunicações.
• EUTELSAT, (2023). EUTELSAT technical guides on SMATV and DVB.
• Youtube. (2024). Selected youtube links on various topics of the course.
Complementary bibliography:
• B.P. Lathi, B. P. (1998). Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems. ISBN 0-19-511009-9
• Kaplan, E. D., (Editor). (1996). Understanding GPS – Principles and applications. ISBN 0-89006-793-7
• Eluwole, O. T., Udoh, N., Ojo, M., Okoro, C., Akinyoade, A. J. (2018). From 1G to 5G, What Next?. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science. 45:3, IJCS_45_3_06
Hanes, D., Salgueiro, G., Grossetete, P., Barton, R., & Henry, J. (2017, June 13). IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies,
Protocols, and Use Cases for the Internet of Things (1st ed.). Cisco Press.
• Veneri, Giacomo., Capasso, Antonio. (2018). Hands-On Industrial Internet of Things: Create a powerful Industrial IoT infrastructure using Industry 4.0.
• Coelho, P. (2022). 5G e Internet das Coisas Pedro Coelho (Portuguese Edition). FCA.
• ANACOM – Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações.
Module 2 – Networks:
Main bibliography in the library:
• Chennai. (2013). Network management : principles and practice. Pearson. 978-81-317-2759-1. Cota: 1A-6-223 (ISEC) – 18254
• Dye, M.A., McDonald, R., Rufi, A.W. (2008). Network fundamentals: CCNA exploration companion guide. 978-1-58713-208-7. Cota: 1A-6-175 (ISEC) – 14601
• Forouzan. (2007). Data communications and networking. McGraw-Hill 4th ed. 978-0-07-296775-3. Cota: 1A-6-195 (ISEC) – 15095
• Antunes, M., Santos, L. (2007). CCNA 1: cablagem estruturada. ISEC-DEIS. Cota: 1A-6-169 (ISEC) – 14208
• Lammle, Todd. (2004). CCNA Cisco certified network associate: study guide. Sybex 4th ed. 0-7821-4311-3. Cota: 1A-6-156 (ISEC) – 12786
• Monteiro, Edmundo. Boavida, Fernando. (2000). Engenharia de redes informáticas. FCA. 972-722-203-X. Cota: 1A-6-138 (ISEC) – 11409.
• Geier, Jim.(1999). Wireless Lans: implementing interoperable networks. MacMillan. 1-57870-081-7. Cota: 1A-6-18 (ISEC) – 11031
Existing bibliography on the support platform:
• Fonseca, I. (2024). Statements of practical work, Slides of presentations made in theoretical classes and manuals of equipment used in laboratory classes.
• Fonseca, I. (2024). support software
Extra bibliography:
Boavida, F., & Bernardes, M. (2012). TCP/IP – Teoria e Prática (Portuguese Edition). FCA.
Coelho, P. (2022, October 14). Internet das Coisas Introdução Prática (Portuguese Edition). FCA.
Coelho, P. (2022). 5G e Internet das Coisas Pedro Coelho (Portuguese Edition). FCA.