Industrial Planning

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Classes will have theoretical and practical components, by exposing the subjects to be covered and solving problems related to them. Within this problems there will be a particular emphasis on case studies that allow the incorporation of uncertainty, both in the problem solution and in its definition, in order to simulate real planning problems. For the solution of these problems, the use of computational tools, like spreadsheets, will be required.

Learning Results

The goal of this course is to provide students with an overview of planning strategies in an industrial context, namely on how
operations, and the necessary resources, should be managed and controlled. It is intended that students become familiar with and use the basic tools of operations management, as well as adapt them to the different type of organizations and production systems, according to its characteristics and goals. It is also intended that students understand the limitations of using these methods in practice, whether due to model/process mismatch or the inevitable random factors. The ability to critically evaluate the results obtained with the methods studied during the course is also one of its goals.


Introduction to operations management. Introduction to project management using CPM (critical path method), PERT (project evaluation and review technique) and time/cost models. Production systems characterization, according to operation modes and goals. Sequencing and scheduling in different production systems. Layout and load balancing of production/assembly lines. Forecasting techniques, including linear regression, time series decomposition and exponential smoothing. Introduction to material requirements planning.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Prova escrita - 100.0%
  • - trabalhos de grupo - 40.0%
  • - 1º teste escrito - 30.0%
  • - 2º teste escrito - 30.0%




Marchal, P.C., Ortega, J.G., García, J.G. (2019). Production Planning, Modeling and Control of Food Industry Processes. Springer.

Stevenson, W.J., Production Operations Management, 6th ed., Irwin/McGraw Hill, 1999

Hillier, F.S., G.J. Lieberman, Introdução à Pesquisa Operacional, 8.a ed., McGraw Hill Interamericana, 2006

Chase, R.B., F.R. Roberts, N.J. Aquilano, Administração da produção e das operações, 11.a ed., McGraw Hill Interamericana, 2006.