Learning Results
To know adequate concepts to understand what are the Information Systems and the importance of
Information Technologies to support the activity of organizational systems.
– To know the important aspects associated to information systems namely the different kinds of information.
– To identify (to know that they exist) the problems which arise in the phases of analysis and conception of
Information Systems.
– To discuss (to know how to do) the alternatives to resolve the problems that arise in the phases if analysis
and conception of Information Systems.
– To execute (to know to do) the tasks of capture, classification and modelling of the user requirements.
– To acquire skills in the modulation of Information Systems oriented to objects.
1. Fundamentals of Information Systems
2. Information Systems Requirements Analysis and Specification
3. Introduction to UML Techniques
3.1. Use-Case Diagrams
3.2. Activity Diagrams
3.3. Class Diagrams
3.4. State Diagrams
3.5 Interaction Diagrams
3.6. Component Diagrams
3.7 Implementation Diagrams
3.8. Other UML Diagrams and Aspects
4. Business Process Modeling with BPMN 2.0
Curricular Unit Teachers
• Amaral, L. e Varajão, J. (2000), Planeamento de Sistemas de Informação, FCA Editora de Informática.
• Baltzan, P. and Phillips, A. (2006), Business Driven Information Systems with MISource 2007 and Student CD,
McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 1st Edition.
• Layzell, P. and Loucopoulos, P. (1989), System Analysis and development, Chartell-Bratt (Publishing and
Training) Ldt. Bromley, U.K., 3rd Edition.
• Lucas, H.C. (1994), Information Systems Concepts, MacGraw-Hill International Editions.
• McCubbrey, H.C. (2006), Management Information Systems for the Information Age, Academic Internet
Publishers 5th Edition.
• Oz, E. (2000), Management Information Systems, Thomson Learning.
Mauro Nunes e Henrique O’Neill, “Fundamental de UML – 3ª Edição Act. Aumentada”, FCA – Editora de Informática, 2005.
Henrique O’Neill, Mauro Nunes, Pedro Ramos, “Exercícios de UML”, FCA – Editora de Informática, 2005.
Mathias Weske, Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures (Second Edition), Springer, 2012