Learning Results
• To analyze innovation as an interactive and dynamic process.
• To discuss the innovation context of national and competitive nature considering the actual society and economy based on knowledge.
• To introduce innovation as a strategy focusing different alternatives for a firm to have access to technology and innovation.
• To characterize the development process of new products and brand management.
• To understand different ways of protecting intellectual property and funding mechanisms of R&D and innovation.
• To identify cultural characteristics of the innovative firm.
Skills to be acquired:
To describe the innovation process
To carry out technological auditing
To distinguish different innovation ways and strategies
1- Innovation and process management
2- National and competitive context of innovation
3- Strategic management of innovation
4- New product development and brand management
5- Intellectual property and its protection
6- Marketing and new product development
7- Funding innovation
8- The innovative firm’s culture
Curricular Unit Teachers
Trott, Paul (2008) “Innovation Management and New Product Development”, 4ª ED, Pearson.
Tidd, J., Bessant, J. e Pavitt, K. (2003), Gestão da Inovação – Integração das mudanças tecnológicas, de mercado e
organizacionais, Monitor, Lisboa.
Takahashi, S. e Takahashi, V. P. (2007) Gestão de Inovação de Produtos, Campus, Rio de Janeiro.
Neves, Eurico (1997), “Inovar sem risco”, editorial Presença, Lisboa.
Dantas, J. (2001), “Gestão da Inovação”, Vida Económica, Porto. (*)
Marques, J. P. C. (1998) “A Cooperação Universidade-Indústria e a Inovação Científica e Tecnológica: O Caso da
Universidade de Coimbra”, Almedina, Coimbra. (*)
Ribault, Jean-Michel, Martinet, Bruno e Lebidois, Daniel (1995), A Gestão das Tecnologias, 1º Edição, Lisboa,
Publicações Dom Quixote.