
Base Knowledge

Physics. Termodynamics. Fluid Mechanics.

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures for presentation of the formal bases of the course unit, accompanied by show sessions of real instruments and problems solving
classes, and practical classes involving laboratory work. The student has to choose one of two assessment methodologies: the distributed
evaluation or assessment by a single exam. Distributed evaluation involves two components: i) evaluation of theoretical concepts (evaluated by 2
mini exams about instrumentation, A (25%), and a 3rd exam about control, B (45%)), ii) lab exercises made in group in practical classes, C (20 %)
and by a research work on the selection of an instrument or on LabView to develop a VI, with oral presentation, D (10%). The final classification is
obtained by adding the contributions of the various components in a scale of 0 to 20 (0.25xA+0.45xB+0.20xC+0.10xD).

Learning Results

Raise awareness on the importance of metrology. Know the industrial instrumentation associated with the measurement of temperature, flow,
level, pressure, viscosity, density and humidity of a gas. Recognize how a biospecific interaction can be used in the development of biosensors.
Describe and critically evaluate the application of a particular biosensor. Ability to use the knowledge in the field of instrumentation and control, in
order to select and integrate this knowledge in a real problem measurement of control variables associated with the operation of biological
processes. Ability to program in the LabVIEW graphical platform and build a virtual instrument for data acquisition. Ability to think about systems
in open loop and closed loop feedback control and take appropriate actions to improve the control’s quality and stability. Ability to identify the
instrumentation and control loops from an industrial plant in a P&ID diagram.


1. Introduction
Motivation. Introduction to Metrology. Scientific Metrology, Industrial Metrology and Legal Metrology. International vocabulary of metrology. The
NP EN ISO 10012. Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment. Definitions. Instrument classification. P&ID diagrams.
2.Sensors and Transducers
Generalities. Measurement standards. Temperature measurement. Viscosity measurement. Pressure measurement. Flow measurement. Level
measurement. Humidity measurement. Density measurement.
3. Controllers
Classification of controllers. Controller without auxiliary power. Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic controller. Open loop and closed loop
feedback control.
4. Final control element
Classification. Pneumatic control valve. Types of valves.
5. Biosensors. Sensors and biosensors. Composition of biosensors. Classification of biosensors. Application of biosensors.
6. LabView

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por Exame
  • - Exame - 100.0%
Avaliação distribuída
  • - CF=(0.25*A+0.45*B+0.20*C+0.10*D) - 100.0%




Dunn, W. C., Fundamentals of industrial and process control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005.

Eggins, B. R., Chemical sensors and biosensors, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002.

Solé, A. C., Instrumentacion industrial, 7ªed., Marcombo, Barcelona, 2005.

NP EN ISO 10012:2005 – Sistemas de gestão da medição. Requisitos para processos de medição e equipamento de medição.

Fraden, J., Handbook of Modern Sensors -Physics, Designs and Applications, 4ªed., Springer, New York, 2010.

Santos, L. T., Sebenta de Instrumentação e Controlo, Coimbra, 2015.

Johnson, C. D., Process control instrumentation technology, Prentice Hall, New York, 2006.

Coulson, J. M., Richardson, J. F., Tecnologia química, vol 1, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1983.

Considine, D. M., Process instruments and controls handbook, 4ªed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.

Lipták, B. G., Instrument engineering.’s handbook – Process measurement and analysis, 4ªed., CRC Press. B.2, 2009.