Integrated Marketing Communications

Base Knowledge

Principles of Marketing.

Teaching Methodologies

Formal exposure classes of the different syllabus contents, which will be illustrated through concrete examples of the business reality. To make the exhibitions more appealing, different audiovisual means will be used. Students will be provided with texts on various contents deserving careful attention. It is also expected that students will carry out and present their work orally.

Learning Results

The curricular unit aims to increase the student’s degree of understanding and skill on integrated communication in marketing.
The student must understand the phenomenon of communication in general, know the different forms and tools of communication in marketing, understand the process of communication in marketing and also deeply know the development of integrated communication in marketing and its impacts in a logic of value creation for the company or other organization.
More specifically, it is intended that the student identifies and develops the most appropriate communication plans for the context in question, that he researches current and effective forms of communication in marketing, and that he puts into operation an integrated marketing communication program.


1. Integrated marketing communication (IMC)

2. The communication mix

2.1. The mix of traditional communication

2.1.1. Public relations
2.1.2. Sales promotion
2.1.3. Sales force
2.1.4. Direct marketing
2.1.5. Advertising
2.1.6. Merchandising
2.1.7. Sponsorship and Patronage
2.2. Online communication.
3. Advertising in integrated marketing communication
3.1. Advertising and branding
3.2. Elaboration of an advertising campaign
3.2.1. The creation: From the creative idea to the campaign production Advertising creation methods – the briefing and the copy strategy
3.2.2. Advertising media and media planning
3.2.3. The measure of advertising effectiveness
4. Communication at the service of loyalty
5. New Trends in Marketing Communication

6. Preparation of the integrated marketing communication plan

Curricular Unit Teachers




Fundamental Bibliography:

Baynast, A., Lendrevie, J., Lévy, J., Dionísio, P., & Rodrigues, J. V. (2018). Mercator 25 Anos – O Marketing na Era Digital, Publicações Dom Quixote.

Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2014). Principles of Marketing, Prentice-Hall.      

Lendrevie, J., Baynast, A., Dionísio, P., & Rodrigues, J.V. (2010). Publicitor, 7ª Edição, Dom Quixote.


Complementary Bibliography:

Quelhas Brito, P. (2012). Promoção de Vendas e Comunicação de Preços, Editora Almedina.

Rapp, S. (2021). Redefinindo Marketing Direto Interativo na Era Digital, Editora M.Books.

Scott, D.M. (2008). As Novas Regras de Marketing e Relações Públicas, Editora Ideias de Ler.