Integrated Study Project Construction

Base Knowledge

Does not apply

Teaching Methodologies

The learning methodology is based on the principle of student’s independent learning, allowing them to develop a research paper on the theme chosen, whose goal is to produce a working seminar to translate a critical examination and reflected the issue in analysis.

The evaluation reflects the application at work, the knowledge acquired by student throughout training. t is essentially based on the practical response to the chosen theme, with individual classification.
The evaluation will be translated in a final rating of 0 to 20 values, shared by the following parameters:
– Theoretical-practical basis: 65%
– Degree of development reached: 25%
– Correction and graphical presentation: 10%

Learning Results

The pedagogical objectives of the course unit suggest a multidisciplinary experience of dynamic participation involving all learning acquired throughout the course and establish the application in practice of the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired. This test shall be carried out through the implementation of an exercise in the form of project and/or thematic research, which will be accompanied by an advisor.
Generic Skills:
Collaborate in the selection of materials and in the definition of sustainable construction processes to ensure the rehabilitation of energy-efficient buildings, showing good acoustics, lighting, natural ventilation, waterproofing and fire safety, and simultaneously comply with the existing regulatory legislation.


The study of integrated project aims to provide the student with specific skills, particularly in the context of rehabilitation of buildings, which enable a holistic view of the building and the communication tools at work, thus enabling an academic approach to the media and the dynamics professionals.

The integrated studies of construction project are proposed to emphasize the following research themes:
– Conceptual and constructive systems of ecological matrix in rehabilitation;
– The importance of communication in the project work;
– Conservation and rehabilitation of buildings of vernacular expression;
– Eco-construction in the rehabilitation of buildings;
– Coexistence of sustainable building and physical support;
– Technological innovation in the rehabilitation of buildings;
– Sustainable systems and constructive solutions in rehabilitation;
– The maintenance of buildings and technical facilities;
– Planning, control and management of works in rehabilitation of building

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua: Trabalho teórico-prático de investigação
  • - Fundamentação teórico-prática - 65.0%
  • - Grau de desenvolvimento atingido - 25.0%
  • - Correção gráfica e apresentação - 10.0%




Madeira, Ana Carla e Abreu, Maria Manuel, Comunicar em Ciência – como redigir e apresentar trabalhos científicos, Escolar Editora, 2004, ISBN: 972-592-165-8.

A demais bibliografia adotada deverá estar associada a cada uma das temáticas acima descritas e submete-se ao tema escolhido pelo aluno para a realização do estudo integrado de projeto.