Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
a) – Lectures
b) – analytical activities and critical reflection, based on various resources, including texts, exercises and audiovisual resources.
c) – Practice sessions (for the preparation and implementation of the intervention project to be undertaken in this course).
The following teaching methods will be used: lecturing, group discussion, case study, screening films and discussion; worksheets, group dynamics; cooperative work; project, student’s presentation of their work.
The course is delivered in b-learning format.
Assessment: final exam (written test) or frequency evaluation; this is composed by the elaboration and presentation of a work on themes of the syllabus; group work students’ provision is differenciable.
Learning Results
Students will develop knowledge, attitudes and skills for intercultural understanding and communication, namely:
1. Understanding majority – minorities relations and the psychological impact of exclusion
2. Understanding the links between education and diversity
3. Understanding how identity, education and social inclusion of minorities are affected by social, cultural and economic factors
4. Understanding principles of intervention with immigrants and ethnic minorities
5. Recognizing and valuing the distinctive features of different cultures and being able to adjust the techniques and strategies used in social pedagogy
6. Being able to promote positive cultural exchange and learning
7. Getting acquainted with programs, activities, methods and resources of intercultural education
I – Contemporary societies and multiculturalism
• Brief history of contemporary multiculturalism
• Multiculturalism and social development
• Management of diversity
II – Intercultural Communication and Competence
. Culture, identity and social image
• Prejudice and intergroup conflicts
• Racism, xenophobia and exclusion
Intercultural competence
Implications for Social Education
III – Social Pedagogy and Intercultural Education
• Intercultural Education: methods and resources
• Intercultural projects
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - individual and group works - 100.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Cardoso, C. M. (1996). Educação multicultural: percursos para práticas reflexivas. Lisboa: Texto.
Gonçalves, S. (2001) (Coord.). Educação Multicultural e para os Direitos Humanos: Materiais de apoio às escolas e aos educadores/professores. Coimbra: ESEC.
Gonçalves, S. (2003). Identidade, relações intergrupais e preconceito. Coimbra: ESEC
Gonçalves, S., & Sousa, F. (Org.) (2012). Escola e Comunidade: Laboratórios de Cidadania Global. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa/ Instituto de Educação.
Gonçalves, S.; Carpenter, M. (Eds.). (2013). Diversity, Intercultural Encounters, and Education. Oxford: Routledge.
Gonçalves, S.; Carpenter, M. (Eds.). (Eds.). (2012). Intercultural Policies and Education. Bern: Peter Lang.
Perotti. A. (1997). Apologia do intercultural. Lisboa: Secretariado Coordenador dos Programas de Educação Multicultural.
Gonçalves, S. (2011). Learning objects and Multimedia Resources in Citizenship Education and Education for Diversity. London: CiCe.