Internal Control

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Mixed method: exposition and resolution of exercises and discussion of cases in the area

Learning Results


Provide master’s students with the essential knowledge for the implementation and evaluation of the internal control system, as a means to achieve the objectives established by any type of organization, either in terms of an internal function to assist management as well as in the aspect of the work to be carried out by the auditor.

In the end, students will be able to use the methodologies, tools and procedures suitable for creating the SCI for any type of organization, as well as those suitable for its evaluation.


1 – Introduction to the study of Internal Control

1.1. Concept
1.2. objective
1.3. Evolution
1.4. Interpretation of the definition of internal control, by:

-Internal Auditors
– External Auditors
– Administration / Direction
– Other third parties
1.5. Errors, frauds and irregularities
1.6. types of control
2 – Limitations of Internal Control
3 – Internal Control Model, according to COSO’s ICIF- Internal Control:Integrated Framework

3.1. – The internal control environment
3.2. – Risk assessment
3.3 – Control activities
3.4 – Information and communication
3.5. – Supervision
4 – The integrated management of internal control and risks – ERM- Enterprise Risk Management, from COSO
5 – Application to P.M.E.
5.1. – General objectives and procedures of internal control
5.2. – Specific and detailed internal control procedures and application to different operational areas
6 – Internal Control in the Public Sector
7 – Information to third parties about Internal Control

Curricular Unit Teachers





COSO (2017), ERM Framework Update –Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework; 2017

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO); Internal Control- Integrated Framework; 2013

MORAIS, Georgina e MARTINS Isabel; Auditoria Interna- Função e Processo; Editora Áreas; 4 ª edição 2013

COSO et al, (2023); ACHIEVING EFFECTIVE INTERNAL CONTROL OVER SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING (ICSR): Building Trust and Confidence through the COSO Internal Control—Integrated Framework

Aviso 3 /2020 do Banco de Portugal

 Sites a consultar:;;;;


Coopers & Lybrand e I.A.I. Espãna; Los Nuevos Conceptos Del Control Interno (Informe COSO); Editora Diaz de Santos; 1997

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO); Internal Control over Financial Reporting — Guidance for Smaller Public Companies,2006

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO); Guidance on Monitoring Internal Control Systems, 2008

NPF, Guia Prático Implementação de um sistema de controlo interno Administração Pública, NPF; 2004

ROTH, James, ; Control Model Implementation: Best Practices; I.I.A. Research Foundation ; 1997

ROOT, Steven J.; Beyond COSO: Internal control to enhance Corporate Governance; J. Wiley & Sons; 1998

ROEHL-ANDERSON, Janice M. e BREGG, Steven M.; Manual del Controller; Ediciones Deusto; 1996

ALMEIDA, Bruno, Manual de auditoria Financeira, Escolar Editora, 2022


ISO, ISO 37301:2021-Compliance management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

IIA, (2017) e INSTITUTO PORTUGUÊS DE AUDITORIA INTERNA-; Enquadramento Internacional das Práticas Profissionais de auditoria Interna; IPAI; 2013

Lei de SOA sec.302 e 404, publicação do IIA; IPCG, Código Governo das Sociedades

CMVM, Recomendações da CMVM sobre o Governo das Sociedades Cotadas

REVISTAS: Auditing; Internal Auditor; Internal auditing; Corporate controller e outras da área.

 Sites a consultar:;; www.;;; www,