International Law

Learning Results

The student will master the fundamental concepts inherent in legal matters related to the reality of International
Law and European Law, as well as the respective applicable legal regime and know the main doctrinal and
jurisprudential issues that arise in an area in constant transformation.


Chapter I – History of European Integration.
Chapter II – European Union Law, European Law and International Law.
Chapter III – Organisation of the European Union.
Chapter IV-Regulatory Structures.
Chapter V – European Citizenship and Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.
Chapter VI – Jurisdictional Structures Assurance and Control.

Curricular Unit Teachers




1. MACHADO, Jónatas, Direito da União Europeia, Coimbra Editora: Coimbra, 2010.
2. AAVV, A Constituição Europeia e Portugal: Almedina, Coimbra, 2007.
3. CAMPOS, João Luiz Mota/CAMPOS, João Mota, Manual de Direito Europeu – O sistema institucional, a ordem
jurídica e o ordenamento económico da União Europeia, Coimbra Editora: Coimbra, 2010.
4. DUARTE, Maria Luísa, Estudos de Direito da União e das Comunidades Europeias, Coimbra Editora. Coimbra,
5. DUARTE, Maria Luísa, Estudos sobre o Tratado de Lisboa: Almedina, Coimbra, 2010.
6. HENRIQUES, Miguel Gorjão, Direito da União, Almedina: Coimbra, 2010.
7. MESQUITA, Maria José Rangel, A União Europeia após o Tratado de Lisboa: Almedina, Coimbra, 2010
8. RAMOS, Rui Moura, Tratado da União Europeia e Tratado sobre o Funcionamento da União Europeia:
Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 4.ª ed. 2009