Base Knowledge
Students should acquire knowledge/ability to:
– Research and interpret the dynamic factors of different international markets;
– Define a strategy for the different markets;
– Operationalize the different marketing-mix policies;
– Control and evaluate marketing actions in international markets.
Teaching Methodologies
The aim of this discipline is to introduce the concepts of international marketing as an important management tool in today’s world.
Marketing in companies, which operate in increasingly wider markets, is an essential issue for their survival and a central theme of their management.
It will then be essential for students to prepare for a market where the boundaries between national and international are blurring. And increasingly, the market that the company faces, both in terms of consumers and in relation to the competitors it faces, is the world in global terms.
The student must know the main strategic options for internationalization and also develop the skills that will allow them to develop these strategies in the future world of work.
The knowledge to be developed involves internationalization strategies, operationality of these same options, development of operational marketing variables in the international context, and also management and adaptation of the challenges of internationalization at the level of the company’s structure specifically in the marketing area.
Taking into account the teaching methodology, it provides theoretical and practical classes, based on the analysis of real and practical cases, with expository methods.
Learning Results
Objectives to be Developed:
– Students should understand the fundamentals of International Marketing;
– Students must be able to analyze the motivations and reasons for internationalization;
– Students should be able to define the internationalization process and the initiation of the internationalization activity as well as estimate the necessary resources;
– Students should be able to understand and interpret the different forms of internationalization as well as the different ways of approaching markets;
– Students should be able to define the best Marketing strategy and operational policies from the perspective of internationalization.
Students should acquire knowledge/ability to:
– Research and interpret the dynamic factors of different international markets;
– Define a strategy for the different markets;
– Operationalize the different marketing-mix policies;
– Control and evaluate marketing actions in international markets.
1 – The context of International Marketing
1.1 – Marketing and its importance in today’s world
1.2 – Internationalization and the challenges of “globalization”
1.3 – Internationalization reasons
1.4 – Market Research
2 – The great strategic options for internationalization
2.1 – International segmentation
2.2 – Positioning
2.3 – Market approaches
2.4 – Strategic alliances
3 – The International Marketing program
3.1 – Product Policy
3.2 – Brand Policy
3.3 – Price Policy
3.4 – Distribution Policy
3.5 – Communication Policy
4 – International Marketing Plan
4.1 – The international marketing plan
4.2 – The growing importance of e-marketing in the context of internationalization
4.3 – Control of activities on international brands
Curricular Unit Teachers
Livro de referência
Hollensen, Svend (2020), Global Marketing, 8th edition, United Kingdom, Pearson Education limited
Outra Bibligrafia
Brito, Carlos Melo, Lencastre, Paulo de (coordenadores), (2000), Os Horizontes do Marketing, Lisboa, Editorial Verbo
Brito, Carlos Melo, Lorga, Susana, (2006), Marketing Internacional. Lisboa, Principia Cateor, Philipe, Ghauri, Pervez, (2003), International Marketing, European edition, London, McGraw-Hill,
Cunha, Miguel Pina, Duarte, Margarida, O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas, Marcelino, Ana Regina, (2004), Marketing. Conceitos e casos portugueses, Lisboa, Escolar Editora Johnson,
Debra & Turner, Colin, (2010), International Business, 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge
Kondek, Danuta, (2017), Marketing de Exportação. Jorge Remondes (coord). Lisboa: Chiado Editora. Lemaire, Jean-Paul, Estratégias de Internacionalização, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget, 2001 Portugal,
Miguel Nuno & Caetano, Joaquim, (2013), Desafios da Globalização – casos de estudo. Lisboa: Escolar Editora Viana, Carlos e Joaquim Hortinha, Marketing Internacional, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, 2004