International Trade

Learning Results

his course aims to provide the student with detailed knowledge of the functioning of international institutions and
the principles of international trade. It examines the development of international trade, the development of policies
and instruments of trade and the effects of national policies on international trade. Identify the positive and negative
effects of globalization and its implications for marketing strategies. The student will acquire skills in the
international economy, should know the main international policies, calculate and interpret ratios referring to
policies that influence international trade. Should also know how to analyze consumer behavior, meet some of the
characteristics of consumers in key markets and meet marketing techniques aimed at export markets.


International trade, international economics and indicators applied to international trade.
Theories of International Trade: The mercantilist approach, Adam Smith and the concept of absolute advantage,
David Ricardo and the concept of comparative advantage. The New Approaches: Theory of relative factor
endowment, the theory of life cycle (international) product and the Theory of National Competitive Advantage.
The effects of the opening of markets in the economy (gain and loss)
World Trade Organization (WTO), the principles and disputes in the WTO. The political and commercial conflicts of
the two Big Blocks and regional agreements. DOHA agenda
The International Driver Marketing and consumer behavior. The dynamics of global trade. Strategies of international
market entry and market research. Identifying market segments and marketing mix in international context




Gaisford, J., Kerr, W., (2001). Economic Analysis for International Trade Negotiations: The WTO and Agricultural
Trade. Edward Elgar, USA.
Hirshleifer, J. e Amihai, G. (1992) Price Theory and Apllications, Preentice – Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992
Kevin, R., Hartely, S., Berkowitz, E., Rudelius, W. (2007) Marketing, 8. ed., Mc-Graw-Hill, São Paulo.
Krugman P., Obstfeld M. (2005) Economia Internacional: teoria e política. 6. ed. Pearson Addison Welsey.
Lipesy, R., Stilwell., J.A., Clarke, R., (1988). Práticas de economia Positiva., Vicens Universidad.
Tsakok, Isabelle (1990) – Agricultural price policy: a practitioner´s guide to partial equilibrium. Cornell University
Press: Ithaca and London.