Base Knowledge
Not required
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical classes: expository method
Practical/laboratory classes: practical assignments
Learning Results
Stimulating students to problem solving through the development of algorithms
Empowering students from the concepts of C language that enable application development in a structured way
Introduction to Computer Programming
Phases of program development
Algorithmic structures; Pseudo-code and Flow charts
Structure of a program in C language
Pre-defined data types; variable and constant declaration; Operators; Expressions
Interaction with the user
Simple and composite instructions
Structures control: sequence, selection and repetition
Functions: goals; parameters, arguments and return; structuring of a program using functions
Vectors: statement, initialization and manipulation; Strings
Files: text files vs binary files; Operations on text files
Curricular Unit Teachers
Damas, L. (1999). Linguagem C. Lisboa: FCA. (Cota ISEC: 1A -1- 458)
King, K. N. (2008). C Programming – A Modern Approach. (2nd Ed.). USA: WW Norton & Co. (Cota ISEC: 1A -1-374)
Guerreiro, P. (2006). Elementos de Programação com C. (3rd Ed.). Lisboa: FCA. (Cota ISEC: 1A -1- 458)
Vasconcelos, V. & Marques, L. Linguagem de Programação C. Coimbra: ISEC. (Available in the moodle and reprography)
Slides of theoretical classes. (Available in the moodle)