Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
In the lectures a theoretical exposition of each subject is made which is complemented by the presentation of application exercises. In the laboratorial component practical problems are solved on the computer.
Learning Results
Objectives: To understand the notion of algorithm. Create and code algorithms in a high-level language. Understand and know how to apply the concepts of modularity and structured programming. Master the syntax of the language taught and know how to implement, analyze and debug programs in that language.
Generic skills: Ability to make decisions related to the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired; Promote the exchange of ideas and discussion of problems and solutions; Develop self-learning habits. Specific skills: Ability to use information technology as a tool for analyzing and solving mechanical engineering problems.
1. The Matlab interface. Command window. Code editor. Workspace. Folder browser. Graphic window. M files. Help.
2. Variables. Number and formats. Strings. Variable identifiers. Predefined variables. Integers, real and complex numbers. Fixed-point and floating-point representations. Scalars and indexed variables. Strings.
3. Data input and output. input, disp and fprintf functions.
4. Expressions. Operands and operators. Arithmetic, logical and relational operators. Precedence rules.
5. Usual predefined functions.
6. Assignment and control instructions. Assignment statement. if and switch-case selection structures. For and while loops. Continue and break commands.
7. Arrays. Vectors and matrices. Creation, calling and operations with vectors and matrices.
8. Creating functions. External functions and anonymous functions. Input and output parameters. Function call.
9. Import and export of data from/to external files.
10. 2D graphics. Types of points and lines. Colour formatting. Commands for axes, grid and titles. Multiple curves on a graph. Subtitles. Multiple graphs in one graphical window. Multiple graphical windows.
Curricular Unit Teachers
MORAIS, V., VIEIRA, C. (2013) – MATLAB – Curso Completo, Ed. FCA (disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 1A-1-453)
CHAPMAN, S. J. (2008) – Programação em MATLAB para Engenheiros, 4e, Thomson Engineering (disponível na Biblioteca do ISEC: 1ª-1-453)
MARQUES, J. – Sebenta de Introdução à Programação. ISEC (disponível na plataforma académica Inforestudante)
CARVALHO, A. – Problemas de Programação. ISEC (disponível na plataforma académica Inforestudante)
MARQUES, J., CARVALHO, A. – Practical classes exercises. ISEC (available at academic platform Inforestudante)
GILAT, A. (2006) – MATLAB com Aplicações em Engenharia, Ed. Artmed S. A.