Base Knowledge
Nothing to report, as this is an introductory management course and is in the first year.
Teaching Methodologies
The course will work with theoretical-practical classes, seeking to combine the expository dimension of the subject with the necessary practical example, where the teacher and students will present and discuss the resolution of several exemplary cases in real life.
The purpose of these works is threefold:
i) develop organizations’ real problem-solving skills;
ii) familiarization of the student body with the resolution of Practical Cases;
iii) enhance relations with other disciplines.
To speed up the understanding of the materials and make the exhibitions more attractive, different audiovisual media will be used.
Learning Results
1. It is intended to transmit to students the fundamental concepts of management that allow them to acquire a vision overview of the functioning of companies and the importance of management for success.
2. It is also intended to introduce the student to the management functions that the manager deals with – Planning, Organization, Motivation, Leadership and Control.
3. It is also intended to introduce the student to some critical business functions of any company – Innovation, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources and Finance.
4.Finally, we want to integrate knowledge through strategic thinking.
Competencies to be developed by students:
1.Understand the management process and its functions;
2.Understand the importance of innovation, operations, marketing and finance for business success;
3.Understand the central role of people in organizations;
4.Understand the need to develop the strategy that defines the way forward.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Organizations and Management
1.2 Management Definition
1.3 Management Levels
1.4 Functions of Managers
1.5 Skills and Capabilities of Managers
1.6 Organizations’ Environment
1.7 Management and Organizational Culture
Chapter 2: Management Theories
2.1 Classical Theories
2.1.1 F. Taylor and the Principles of Scientific Management
2.1.2 H. Fayol and the General Theory of Administration
2.1.3 E. Mayo and the School of Human Relations
2.1.4 M. Weber and the Theory of Bureaucracy
2.2 Contemporary Approaches
2.2.1 Quantitative Approach
2.2.2 Behavioral Approach
2.2.3 Systemic Approach
2.2.4 Contingency Approach
2.3 New Approaches
2.3.1 Organizational Learning
2.3.2 Management by Objectives
2.3.3 Total Quality Management
2.3.4 The Organization as a Value Chain
Chapter 3: Management Functions
3.1 Planning
3.1.1 Strategy and Planning
3.1.2 Evolution of Strategic Planning
3.1.3 Levels and Types of Planning
3.1.4 Mission, Vision and Objectives
3.1.5 Decision Making
3.1.6 Types of Decisions
3.1.7 The Decision Making Process
3.1.8 Rational Model of Decision Making
3.1.9 Group Decision Making
3.2 Organization
3.2.1 Determinants of Organizational Structure
3.2.2 Functions, Departmentalization and Differentiation
3.2.3 Types of Departmentalization
3.2.4 Responsibility, Authority and Delegation
3.2.5 Line, Staff and Functional Authority
3.2.6 Centralization versus Decentralization
3.2.7 Organizational Structures Functional Structure Divisional Structure Matrix Structure Network Structure
3.2.8 Informal versus Formal Organization
3.2.9 The Power Sources
3.3 Motivation
3.3.1 Concept
3.3.2 A. Maslow and the Hierarchy of Needs Theory
3.3.3 D. McGregor and Theory X and Y
3.3.4 F. Herzberg and the Two Factor Theory
3.3.5 D. McClelland and the Three Needs Theories
3.3.6 Theory of Equity
3.3.7 Theory of Expectations
3.4 Leadership
3.4.1 Concept
3.4.2 Theories of Leadership Traits
3.4.3 Behavioral Approach
3.4.4 Contingency Approach
3.4.5 F. Fiedler’s Model
3.4.6 Model by P. Hersey and K. Blanchard
3.4.7 Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership
3.5 Control
3.5.1 The Importance and Control Process
3.5.2 Levels of Control
3.5.3 Types of Control
3.5.4 Traditional Control Methods Financial Statements Ratio Method Budgets and Forecasts The Budget Control Process Analysis of the Critical Sales Point
3.5.5 New Control Trends EVA ABC MVA
Chapter 4: Business Roles
4.1 Innovation
4.1.1 Innovation, Invention and R&D
4.1.2 Types of Innovation
4.1.3 Environmental Aspects of Innovation
4.1.4 Organizational Aspects of Innovation
4.1.5 Innovation and Management
4.2 Marketing
4.2.1 Concept
4.2.2 The Marketing Process
4.2.3 Evolution of the Marketing Concept
4.2.4 Marketing Functions
4.2.5 Consumer Behavior
4.2.6 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
4.2.7 Marketing-Mix
4.3 Operations
4.3.1 The Organization as a Value System
4.3.2 Productivity
4.3.3 Operations System Planning
4.3.4 Operations Control
4.4 Human Resources
4.4.1 Human Resources Planning
4.4.2 Recruitment, Selection and Integration
4.4.3 Training and Development
4.4.4 Performance Evaluation
4.4.5 Compensation, Incentives and Benefits
4.5 Finance
4.5.1 The role of Accounting and Accounting Information
4.5.2 Functions of the Financial Manager
4.5.3 Financial Management in Organizations
4.5.4 Financial Statements
4.5.5 Investment Decisions
4.5.6 Financing Decisions
Curricular Unit Teachers
Maçães, M. (2018). Manual de Gestão Moderna (2nd ed.). Actual. Coimbra.
Teixeira, S. (2013). Gestão das Organizações (3nd ed.). Escolar Editora. Lisboa.
Needle, D. e Burns, J. (2019). Business in Context (7nd ed.). Cengage Learning. Boston.
Other Bibliography:
Bateman, T. e Konopaske, R. (2021). Management (14nd ed.). Mc-Graw Hill. NY.
Boddy, D. (2020). Management – Using Practice and Theory to Develop Skill (8nd ed.). Pearson. London.
Certo, S. e Certo, S. (2019). Modern Management Concepts and Skills (15nd ed.). Pearson. London.
Costa, T. (2021). Gestão Contemporânea (3nd ed.). Edições Sílabo. Lisboa.
Cunha, M., Rego, A. e Cardoso, C. (2019). Teoria das Organizações e da Gestão. Edições Sílabo. Lisboa
Ebert, R. J. & Griffin, R. W. (2020). Business Essentials (12nd ed.). Pearson. London.
Griffin, Ricky W. (2022). Fundamentals of Management (10nd ed.). Cengage Learning. Boston.
Kinicki, A. e Soignet, D. (2022). Management – A Practical Introduction (10nd ed.). Mc-Graw Hill. NY.
Jones Gareth R., & George, Jennifer M. (2019). Essentials of Contemporary Management (8nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. NY.
Reis, F. (2020). Manual de Gestão das Organizações (2nd ed.). Edições Sílabo. Lisboa.
Robbins, S. e Coulter, M. (2021). Management (15nd ed.). Pearson. London.
Samson, D., Donnet, T. e Daft, R. (2021). Management (7nd ed.). Cengage Learning. Boston.
Sobral, F. & Peci, A. (2008). Administração, Teoria e Prática no Contexto Brasileiro (2nd ed.). Pearson. São Paulo.
Sotomayor, A., Rodrigues, J. e Duarte, M. (2021). Princípios de Gestão das Organizações (4nd ed.). Rei dos Livros. Lisboa.