Introduction to Organic Agricultural Production

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The development of the theoretical component is carried out using the expository method and presentation of specific materials, using participatory strategies of exposure and practical examples, as well as the possible use of videos, images, and documentaries, to complement the information on the topics in question; The organization of seminars with guest speakers and study visits, is also to be considered. The development of research work by themes and fieldwork, using the techniques covered, involving observation and discussion by the class, is part of the practice of the UC, forcing the student to structure and apply the knowledge acquired in situations with the respective applicability.

Learning Results

1. have the concept of Organic Farming (OF) and its relevance;
2. Know the Objectives and Principles of Organic Farming;
3. Acquire notions of food and environmental quality and safety;
4. Recognize the importance of control and certification in AB;
5. Possess technological knowledge of Organic Production (BP);
6. Know the current situation of organic farming in Portugal.


1. Concept of Organic Farming;

2. Brief history of Organic Farming;

3. Objectives and Principles of Organic Farming;

4. Control and Certification in Organic Farming;

5. Technologies of Organic Farming Production;

6. Contribution of organic farming to food and environmental quality and safety;

7. Organic farming in Portugal: current situation.

8. Legislation in Organic Farming

Curricular Unit Teachers




Ferreira J., Marques G., Cunha-Queda AC, Mourão IM, Hickel D, Brito LM (2021) AGRICULTURA BIOLÓGICA, VOL I: BOAS PRÁTICAS AGRÍCOLAS PARA O SOLO E PARA O CLIMA. ISBN: 9789899017511

Ferreira, J. et al. (2009) As Bases da Agricultura Biológica, Edibio, Edições Lda, Lisboa;

Lampkin, N. (1998) Agricultura Ecológica Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid;

McLeod, J. (2007) Organic Gardening, Botanic’s Pocket, The A-Z of healthy gardening,

Tandem Verlag GmbH, Australia;

Serrano, J.F. (2003) Agricultura Ecológica, Manual Y Guia Didáctica, IRMA, S.L. Instituto de Restauration y Médio Ambiente, Léon