Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge is not considered necessary.
Teaching Methodologies
The Curricular Unit will work through the regime of theoretical-practical classes, of optional attendance, where the theoretical expositions will always be accompanied by the illustration and resolution of practical cases, questions and exemplifying themes of real life arising from the application of management in the life of organizations. To make the exhibitions more appealing, different audiovisual media will be used and students, individually or in groups, will be encouraged to carry out small research / knowledge consolidation work during classes.
Learning Results
a) Objectives
As a global objective, this curricular unit seeks to provide students with the necessary knowledge to prepare for the development of their work in the area of management in different types of organizations, provided through a global and integrated view of key management concepts, focusing not only on resources but also on skills, processes and relationships. For this purpose, this curricular unit has the specific objectives of providing students with:
1. domain over the concepts of the fundamental concepts of management of organizations that allow acquiring a global view of the functioning of organizations and the importance of management for their success. These concepts will allow students to understand the role of Organizations, Management and Managers and identify the main explanatory theories of the evolution of management thinking.
2. domain over the knowledge inherent to the framing of an organization in the context in which it operates and the challenges that organizations currently face.
3. basic domain over the various functions of the manager – planning, organizing, leading and motivating and controlling.
4. domain over some of the most relevant organizational functions, around which the entity’s activity is organized – Innovation, Marketing and Human Resources. The finance function will be approached transversally to planning and control.
4. the integration of previous knowledge with the strategic and global thinking of the business.
b) Skills to be acquired:
This curricular unit offers students the necessary skills to develop their skills in managing for labor market, in which they must adopt an active attitude towards the customer and the market. Hence, with the syllabus of this curricular unit, it is expected to develop the following skills to be developed in students:
1. Understand what management is, what is the role of managers (in terms of functions and skills) and how the performance of an organization influences and is influenced by its enviorement.
2. Understand the management process, namely how to implement management functions
3. Understand the importance of marketing, people, innovation and finance for business success
4. Understand the need to develop the strategy to achieve the intended objectives.
Additionally, teamwork is also encouraged using methodologies that actively involve students in the learning process.
c) Compatibility of learning objectives with the teaching method (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by students):
c1) Consistency between the syllabus and the objectives of the curricular unit:
– The 1st and 2nd stated objectives are addressed in chapter I of the syllabus with the aim that the student can explain the concept of organization; the characterization of the companies from the legal point of view, sector, capital structure, among other aspects; the characteristics inherent to the correct definition of objectives; the organization’s key resources and capabilities; the implications arising from the organization interacting with its surroundings, as well as the main factors of competitiveness and performance analysis indicators to which organizations should pay special attention. In this way, the 1st skill will be acquired.
– The study of manager and management functions (chapter II of the syllabus) aims to provide students with basic skills to implement the management process, which in general focuses on the planning, organization, direction and control of a process . In this way, the 2nd competence will be reached, taking into account the 3rd objective of this curricular unit.
– Chapter III introduces the essential aspects for understanding the most relevant areas of managing an organization (innovation, marketing, human resources and finance). The analysis and understanding of these organizational functions is crucial for the development of competences of a future manager, so this chapter aims to respond to the 4th objective of this curricular unit and allow the achievement of the 3rd competence indicated.
– Chapter IV is justified so that students can implement the objective stated in point 4, since, based on an understanding of the business environment, the manager’s functions and organizational functions, it is necessary to define a strategy that allows having a proactive attitude to respond to constant changes requires a high capacity for adaptation, forcing the organization to design the most appropriate configuration of its structure, processes and relationships, in order to guarantee the maintenance of its competitive advantage. The study and application of knowledge of organizational strategy allows satisfying the 5th objective of this curricular unit and reaching the 4th indicated competence.
c1) Coherence between the teaching methodologies and the objectives of the curricular unit:
The expository-participative method allows the presentation of the theoretical concepts of the different chapters that make up the program, as well as the contextualization of examples and real cases. The method of solving and discussing cases, solving exercises, group work allows the application of theoretical knowledge.
Chapter I – Management, Managers and Organizations
I.1 Introduction to management
I.1.1 What is management
I.1.2 Managers and their functions, roles and competencies
I.1.3 Businesses: Business objectives, resources and functions
I.1.4 The company as an open system: the external context
I.1.5 The results and the evaluation of the performance of the companies
I.2 The globalization and internationalization of companies
I.2.1 Globalization
I.2.2 Why internationalize
I.3. The importance of social responsibility and sustainability in the performance of organizations
I.4 Evolution of Management Thought
I.4.1. From administration to current management: The evolution of administrative thinking – The beginnings of management
I.4.2. Organizational theories
I.4.2.1. Classic Management Theories
I.4.2.2 Contemporary Approaches
Chapter II – The Functions of the Manager and Management: Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling
II.1. Planning Function
II.1.1 Planning: an overview
II.1.1.1 Planning and its basic levels
II.1.1.2 The importance of objectives in the planning process
II. Vision, mission and objectives
II. Definition of objectives: typology and formulation
II. Management by objectives
II.1.1.3 Types of plans
II.1.1.4 Preparation of a budget based on the Cost-Volume-Result (CVR) model
II.1.2 Basis for decision making
II.1.2.1 The decision-making process
II.1.2.2 How a problem is defined
II.1.2.3 The rational model
II.1.2.4 Adjustments to the model
II.1.2.5 Decision-making styles
II.2. Organize function
II.2.1. Functions of the organizational structure
II.2.2. Structural dimensions
II.2.3. Key determinants of organizational structure choice
II.2.4. Structural formats
II.2.5. recent developments
II.2.6. Applications: Organization chart construction
II.3. Directing Function (Motivate, Lead and Communicate)
II.3.1 Motivation
II.3.1.1 The main views on motivation
II.3.1.2 Contemporary views on motivation
II. The theories of needs: Maslow and Herzberg
II. Theory of Expectation
II. Theory of Equity
II. Theory of Reinforcement
II.3.2 Leadership
II.3.2.1 Concept of Leadership
II.3.2.2 Leadership versus management
II.3.2.3 Leadership Theories
II. Traditional approaches
II. Recent approaches
II.3.3 Communication
II.4. Control function
II.4.1 Concept of control
II.4.2 The importance of control
II.4.3 Control systems
II.4.4 Types and methods of control
II.4.5 Control of the financial structure
II.4.6 Control of economic performance
Chapter III – Business Functions: Innovation, Marketing and Human Resources
III.1 Innovation
III.1.1 Fundamental concepts related to innovation
III.1.2 Innovate: how, who and why?
III.1.3 Innovation as a linear process and as an interactive process
III.1.4 Ways to innovate: from doing to buying
III.2 Marketing
III.2.1 Market orientation and value offering
III.2.2 Marketing Action
III.3 Human Resource Management
III.3.1 People Management in organizations
III.3.1.1 The People Management process: a traditional view
III.3.1.2 Objectives and policies in People Management
III.3.2 People Management activities
Chapter IV – The Final Integration: Strategic Function
IV.1. The concept of “Strategy”: its origin
IV.2. The strategic management process
IV.2.1 The 5 tasks of strategy
IV.2.2 Levels of corporate strategy, strategic business unit (SBU) and functional
IV.3. The strategic analysis
IV.3.1 Internal analysis: “resources and capabilities” and “value chain”
IV.3.2 External analysis
IV.3.2.1 Macro Level: PESTAL analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal)
IV.3.2.2 Micro Level: Porter’s “5 forces of competition”
IV.4. The choice of strategy
IV.4.1 Ansoff’s Product-Market Matrix
IV.4.2 Porter’s generic strategies
IV.5. Strategy implementation
Curricular Unit Teachers
Fundamental Bibliography:
- Mendes, Lara (2023), Manual Teórico de Apoio às Aulas de Princípios de Gestão, NONIO IPC: InforEstudante, documento disponibilizado pela docente
- Mendes, Lara (2023), Caderno de Exercícios de Princípios de Gestão, NONIO IPC: InforEstudante, documento disponibilizado pela docente
- Robbins, Stephen P.; Coulter, Mary A. (2021), Management, 15th ed., Pearson Education. [Biblioteca ISCAC: 658 ROB (ISCAC) – 017530]
- Robbins, S. P. & Coulter, M., De Cenzo, D.A. (2020), Fundamentals of Management, 11th ed. – Global Edition, Pearson. [Biblioteca ISCAC, versão PT, 2004: 658 ROB (ISCAC) – 014123; 658 ROB (ISCAC) – 014383; 658 ROB (ISCAC) – 014406])
Complementary Bibliography:
- Mendes, Lara (2023), Coletânea de Textos de Gestão, NONIO IPC: InforEstudante, documento disponibilizado pela docente com a compilação de textos de vários autores.
- Boddy, David (2020), Management: Using Practice and Theory To Develop Skill, 8th ed., Pearson. ISBN: 9781292271811
- Stoner, James; Freeman, R. Edward e Gilbert Jr, Daniel R. (1995), Management, 6ª Ed. Prentice-Hall, ISBN: 0-13-149444-9 [Biblioteca ISCAC: 658 STO (ISCAC) – 1365/97; 658 STO (ISCAC) – 2702/98] [Biblioteca ISCAC, versão PT, 1995: 658 STO D (ISCAC) – 1639/97; 658 STO D (ISCAC) – 1640/97; 658 STO D (ISCAC) – 1641/97]