Introduction to Project Development

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The design and implementation of projects is supervised by teacher(s), and for this purpose 24 hours must be allocated to teaching service distributions in the 2nd semester.

After completion of the projects, they will be presented in the form of a report or portfolio and subject to evaluation by the supervising teacher – and may eventually be the subject of a public presentation. The assessment will be qualitative and can be converted into a final classification of 0-20 values.

Specific regulations will be drawn up for the curricular unit.

Students must submit to the supervisor for evaluation a portfolio or report of projects carried out during the semester.

The assessment is exclusively continuous, qualitative in nature, converted into a final classification of 0-20 values. Assessment by exam involves the presentation of a report or portfolio on the activities carried out under the terms established by the UC’s specific regulations.

Learning Results

The complexity of the job market and contemporary societies poses very complex challenges to today’s higher education students, many of which cannot yet be defined or anticipated. For this reason, it is essential to provide students with a set of skills associated with the acquisition of values and proactive attitudes that promote lifelong education projects and deepen the rights and duties of full citizenship. With this general purpose, at the end of the 84 supervised hours of Fieldwork (TC) students should be able to demonstrate basic skills in designing, executing and evaluating scientific research projects or providing services to the community or carrying out acts of citizenship.


It is a curricular unit for the integration of curricular content and the development of transversal skills, meaning that the structure of the program has its own specificities. In this sense, students should be organized into small work teams to carry out projects designed and supervised by course teacher(s). Projects can be of various types: initiation into scientific research, citizenship, provision of services to the community or others that may be considered relevant, according to the specific regulations to be defined.

Student participation in carrying out projects can take place over the two semesters of the academic year, with the work being completed at the end of the 2nd semester

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Portfolio or Report - 100.0%


