Introduction to the Protection of Environment

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Several methods and techniques are combined in teaching methodologies:

– Oral presentation of the contents necessary for the acquisition of skills, in theoretical-practical classes and seminars/lectures, which elicit student participation;

– Practical exercises for application of concepts;

– Study visits;

– Elaboration of research work in group under orientation and autonomously;

– Oral presentation and discussion of work which is primarily done in group;

– Tutorial guidance activities.

Learning Results

1. To develop and consolidate knowledge in the area of sustainable development

2. Contact with environmental technologies and institutional agents that intervene in this area

3. Development of important soft skills for the professional activity in the environmental area


Sustainable development and key environmental challenges

– Environmental principles and values, environmental policy and environmental law

– Environmental and professional ethics

– Employability

– The different social agents in environmental protection

– Information systems at the service of environmental protection

– Sustainable management of natural resources: environmental pollution, water resources and wastewater management, air quality and noise pollution, soil and solid waste management, biodiversity and nature conservation, energy resources and energy management

Curricular Unit Teachers




•A.J.D. Ferreira, M.A.R. Lopes, J.P.F. Morais, Environmental management and audit schemes implementation as an educational tool for sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 14, Issue 9, 2006, Pages 973-982, ISSN 0959-6526,
•A. Rego, J. Braga (2014). Ética para Engenheiros. Lidel, 3ª Ed. ISBN: 978-989-752-065-5
•Comissão Mundial sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (1987). O Nosso Futuro Comum. Oxford University Press
•G. T. Miller, S. Spoolman (2017). Living in the Environment. Brooks Cole, 19th Ed. ISBN-13: 978-1337094153
•Legislação ambiental aplicável
•M. L. Davis, D. A. Cornwell (2012). Introduction to Environmental Engineering. McGraw-Hill Education, 5th Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0073401140

 •A. Wulf. (2015) A invenção da natureza – As aventuras de Alexander Von Humboldt. Círculo de Leitores. ISBN 978-989-644-341-2

•D. L. Meadows, D. Meadows, J. R. (1973). Os Limites do Crescimento. Dom Quixote. ISBN 9789722004398
•D. L. Meadows, D. Meadows, J. R. Além dos limites: da catástrofe total ao futuro sustentável. Difel Ed. ISBN 9789727091645
•D. Goleman (2009). Eco-Inteligência: Como o consumismo está a mudar o mundo. Temas e Debates. ISBN 978-989-644-078-7
•R. Carson (2010). A Primavera Silenciosa. Critica Bolsillo Ed. ISBN: 9788498921373
•T. Jackson (2017). Prosperity without growth – Foundations for the economy of tomorrow. Routledge, 2nd Ed. ISBN 978-1-138-93541-9
•K. Raworth (2018). Economia Donut – Sete formas de pensar como um economista do séc. XXI. Temas e Debates. ISBN 978-989-644-347-4

Sítios de referência:

•Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente:
•Agência Europeia do Ambiente
•Comissão Europeia:
•Diário da República on-line:

Programa Ambiental das Nações Unidas:

Notes and other documentation provided by teachers.