IT Applications II

Learning Results

This course appears in extension to the IT Applications I. Thus, one of the objectives of this course, UC, is to
promote the development of new skills concerning the practical application of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet,
while motivating students to the importance of this tool in the treatment of data, in the calculus and in the
organization and management of information. A further objective of the UC is to present the potentialities of
Microsoft Excel, namely in the: resolution of complex problems translated by means of mathematical model;
application of financial functions; usage of automation procedures allowed by the macros of commands.
Therefore, it is intended that this UC will allow the creation of a set of competencies / skills in line with its
objectives, particularly with regard to: database functions, dynamic tables and charts, financial functions and
macros of commands, benefiting of its potentialities to enhance an expedite work in a spreadsheet


1 – Data Base Functions
1.1 Introduction: general concepts;
1.2 Blocks of criteria and logic operations;
1.3 Conditions of implementation and analysis of the value returned by each function.
2 – Dynamic Tables and Charts
2.1 Motivation and context;
2.2 Dynamic Tables: fields to list and relationships definitions;
2.3 Construction of dynamic graphics: data structure and chart options.
3 – The Solver and the Achieving Goal Tools
3.1 Fundamental concepts;
3.2 Mathematical representation of the problem and its characterization;
3.3 Construction and testing of the model;
3.4 Resolution of the model: options.
4 – Financial Functions
4.1 Introductory Concepts: characterization summary of financial operations;
4.2 Fees, interest and amortization;
4.3 debt repayment plans;
4.4 Evaluation of investment projects.
5 – Macros of Commands
5.1 Fundamental Concepts;
5.2 Creation of Macros of Commands;
5.3 Execute macros;
5.4 Options of macros

Curricular Unit Teachers




[1] Adelaide Carvalho, Exercícios resolvidos com Excel para a Economia e Gestão, ISBN 972-722-472-5, FCA –
Editora Informática, 2004.
[2] H. Loureiro, Excel XP e 2000: Macros & VBA, ISBN 972-722-265-X, FCA – Editora de Informática, 2001
[3] J. J. Dias Cerqueira, Excel para Economia e Gestão, ISBN 972-618-128-3, Edições Sílabo, 1995.
[4] Jorge Sequeira, Excel – Guião de funções para Economia e Finanças, ISBN 972-592-192-5, Escolar Editora,
[5] Katherine Smith, Lawrence Smith, Smith Murphy; Microsoft Excel for accounting: The first course, ISBN
013-008-551-0, Prentice Hall, 2002.
[6] Luís Silva Rodrigues, Utilização do Excel 2007 para economia e gestão, ISBN 978-972-722-499-9, FCA –
Editora de Informática, 2009.
[7]M. A. P. S. Carvalho, Exercícios Resolvidos com Excel XP e 2000, ISBN 972-722-377-X, FCA – Editora de
Informática, 2003.
[8]M. A. P. S. Carvalho, Exercícios Resolvidos com Excel para Economia & Gestão, ISBN 972-722-472-5, FCA –
Editora de informática, 2004.