Jogo e Motricidade na Infância

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Teaching and Classes: PT, expository and experimental/laboratory;

PL, data collection, direct observation of behavior,

PL. Exclusively continuous assessment unit [100% = 20 points]: 1. 50%: Practical exam/oral presentation; 2. 30%: Experimental work, in the laboratory or data collection field; 3. 20%: In-person participation in PL data collection classes (no initial time tolerance in relation to the notified time and place).

Frequency/continuous/periodical assessment: Approved if ≥60% in 2 and 3. Exam assessment (resource/improvement/special): if you meet the following specific conditions for access to the exam [point 8 of the 20th article of the Academic Regulations of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the ESE-IPC]: 1. Classification in the experimental work ≥60%;

2. Attendance at PL classes for data collection ≥ 90%. Exam with theoretical (70%/100%) and practical (30%/100%) tests in the final classification. Oral admission: cf. with $.

Learning Results

1. To know the social, cultural and educative signicance of play and the imporance of it in early motordevelopment.
2. To know the theories of play and its relation with the stages of motor development.
3. To analyse the characteristics of games and play and its aplicability in the development of the child up till10 years old.
4. To know the curricular guidelines and early motor development programmes.
5. To be capable of planning play situations, where various fundamental motor skills and games arecombined.
6. Observe, analyse and interpretate Play and Early Motor Development (PEMD) sessions.
7. To understand the technical and pegagogical intervention in PEMD, based in the research that is producedunder the scope of human movement and sports sciences.
8. Observe, analyse and interpretate fundamental motor skills (locomotor and manipulative)


1. PEMD: Concepts, fundaments and scientific, socialcultural, professional and pedagogical framing.
2. Theories and perspectives of play.
3. Taxonomy of games and motor activities.
4. Patterns and fundamental, postural, manipulative and locomotive motor habilities.
5. Perceptive and motor activities and games (image and body perception, perception and spatialrepresentation).
6. Manipulation and skill.
7. Balance and movement.
8. Basic gymnic activities (floor, apparatus and objects).
9. Nature courses and activities.
10. Team and cooperative games.
11. Activitis with integration of contents and aims from other fields of education in pre and primary school.
12. Observation and assessment of the child’s motor behaviour in sessions of PEMD.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
  • - Practical exam/oral presentation - 50.0%
  • - Laboratory work or Field work - 30.0%
  • - Theoretical test - 70.0%
  • - Practical test - 30.0%




Gallahue D & Ozmun J (2005). Compreendendo o Desenvolvimento Motor. São Paulo: Phorte Editora.
Gardner, H. (2017). Physical Literacy on the Move. Champaign:Human Kinetics.
Haywood & Getchell N (2014). Life Span Motor Development. Human Kinetics.
Johnstone, J. & Ramon, M. (2011). Perceptual-Motor Activities for Children. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
Ministério da Educação (2016). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação de Infância. Lisboa: ME.
Ministério da Educação (1992). A Educação Física no 1º CEB. Lisboa: DGEBS.
Neto, C. (1995). Motricidade e Jogo na Infância. Brasil: Editora Sprint.
Serrano, J., & Petrica (2016). Estudos em desenvolvimento motor da criança IX. Castelo-Branco: IPCB.
Tomporowski, P., McCullick, B., & Pesce, C. (2015). Enhancing Children’s Cognition With Physical Activity Games.Champaign: Human Kinetics.