Base Knowledge
The programmatic content covers the major areas, that is, the major chapters that shape this branch of law. The contents clearly answer to the goals and competences defined for the curricular unit.
According to the program introduced, the intended contextualization of the discipline of Labour Law in a School of Accounting and Administration, assuming the mentioned thematic approach, selective and critical of some of the most relevant legal aspects of employment, also implies, in the exposition and presentation of matters a permanent interdisciplinary dialogue with other branches of Law – especially Constitutional Law, Law of Obligations, Administrative Law and Corporate Law – and a continuous transdisciplinary summoning of knowledge.
Teaching Methodologies
Classes will be taught through the exposure of theoretical content and its practical application.
The teaching and learning methodologies aim the integrated development of students in
the referred knowledges in the programmatic content and the achievement of the established goals and competences. The use of a continuous assessment system implies an active participation of students in terms of study and oral intervention on the subjects taught. The teacher/student and student/student dialectic are emphasized, creating synergies of bi-directional communication aimed at reflection and discussion.
Learning Results
To provide students with knowledge of the labour systems, and especially the legal-labour relationship, in its individual and collective incidences, and its main aspects of the system, with practical concerns but without forget the respective theoretical frameworks.
1. Labour Code (CT) and other labour legislation – Introduction.
2. Labour Law – object, notion and terminology.
3. The sources of Labour Law
1. The access to the employment – brief reference.
2. The employment contract – concept, elements and legal characteristics.
3. The formation of the work contract.
4. Process of formation of the contract.
5. Negotiating formalism: the principle of consensus and its exceptions.
6. The invalidity of the labour contract.
7. Employment contracts with special regime – reference.
8. Modalities of employment contract: the multiple deviations from the typical model.
9. Some contractual clauses.
10. The trial period.
11. The employer and the company.
12. Rights and duties of the contractual parties.
13. The quid of the work provision: to do what?
14. The place of work: working where?
15. The duration of work.
16. Overtime.
17. Holidays, public holidays and absences.
18. Remuneration.
19. Suspension of the labour contract: the relaxed link.
20. The cessation of the employment contract: the dissolved bond.
Curricular Unit Teachers
1. AMADO, João Leal, Contrato de Trabalho – Noções Básicas, Almedina, Coimbra, 3.ª edição, 2019.
2. AMADO, João Leal/ ROUXINOL, Milena SilvA/VICENTE, Joana Nunes/SANTOS, Catarina Gomes/ MOREIRA,Teresa Coelho, Direito do Trabalho – Relação Individual, Almedina, 2019.
3. LAMBELHO, Ana, GONÇALVES, Luísa Andias, Manual de Direito do Trabalho – Da Teoria à Prática, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa, 2017.
4. LEITE, Jorge, Direito do Trabalho, vol. I e II, ed. policopiada pelos Serviços de Textos dos Serviços de Ação Social da Universidade de Coimbra, respetivamente 2003 e 2004.
6. FERNANDES, António Lemos Monteiro, Direito do Trabalho, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012, 16.ª Edição.
7. GOMES, Júlio Manuel Vieira, Direito do Trabalho – I Relações Individuais de Trabalho, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 2007, 1.ª Edição.
8. MARTINEZ, Pedro Romano, Direito do Trabalho, Almedina, Coimbra, 2015, 7.ª Edição.
9. MARTINEZ, Pedro Romano, e outros, Código do Trabalho – Anotado, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012, 9.ª Edição.
10. RAMALHO, Maria do Rosário Palma, Tratado de Direito do Trabalho – Pack I a III, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012, 4ª Edição.