Base Knowledge
Fundamental notions of Law and Civil Procedural Law.
Teaching Methodologies
Classes will be theoretical and practical.
Learning Results
• Provide the domain of the concepts of executive action and to disclose the coercive conduct designed to make the provision, especially as regards the
payment of certain amount.
• Assess the position throughout the process and the procedural parts of the implementing agent.
• Solve practical cases.
• Frame legal problems and identify the legal standards to be applied in order to resolve practical cases.
• Know the rules of the Civil Procedure Code, with a view to carrying out the various phases / processing of the executive process, either by the procedural parties or by the enforcement agent.
1. Declarative process and executive process2. Basis of execution3. Enforceable title4. The certainty, enforceability and liquidity of the obligation5. The parties6. Legal Sponsorship7. Jurisdiction of the Court8. Forms of the executive process9. Enforcement agent10. Execution judge11. Execution for payment of certain amount:11.1. Executive request11.2. Preliminary order and prior citation11.3. opposition to execution11.4. Garnishment11.5. Opposition to attachment11.6. Quotations and creditor contests11.7. Payment11.8. Termination and cancellation of execution12. Execution to deliver the right thing13. Execution for de fact provision14. Special executive proceedings: the case of execution by nourishment.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main bibliography:
– José Lebre de Freitas, A Ação Executiva – À Luz do Código de Processo Civil de 2013, Gestlegal, 2024.
– Marco Carvalho Gonçalves , Lições de Processo Executivo, 5ª Edição – Reimpressão, Almedina, 2024.
– Mónica Bastos Dias, Teresa Madail, Linhas Mestras da Execução para Entrega de Coisa Certa, Casa do Juiz, 2022.
– Rui Gonçalves Pinto, A Ação Executiva, AAFDL Editora, 2023.
– Teresa Madail, Mónica Bastos Dias, Linhas Mestras da Execução para Prestação de Facto, Casa do Juiz, 2022.
– Virgínio da Costa Ribeiro, Sérgio Rebelo, A Ação Executiva Anotada e Comentada, Almedina, 2025.
Complementary bibliography:
– Eduardo Paiva, Helena Cabrita, O processo executivo e o agente de execução, Coimbra Editora, 2014.
– Fernando Amâncio Ferreira, Curso de processo de execução, 13.ª edição, Almedina, 2010.
– J P Remédio Marques, Curso de processo executivo comum à face do código revisto, Almedina, Coimbra, 2000.
– Joel Timóteo Ramos Pereira, Prontuário de formulários e trâmites — Processo civil executivo, Vol. IV, 4.ª edição, Quid Juris, 2007.
– Lurdes Mesquita; Francisco Costeira da Rocha, A ação executiva no novo CPC, Editora Vida Económica, 2013.
– Ricardo Marques Candeias, Sumários desenvolvidos, 2014.
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