Base Knowledge
Knowledge of statistical analysis, namely in the field of descriptive statistics.
Teaching Methodologies
In this curricular unit, the following teaching methodologies are used: 1) Verbal Methodologies (say), making use of pedagogical resources: Exposition, Explanation and Dialogue; 2) Intuitive Methodologies (show), making use of pedagogical resources: Demonstration, Problem Solving and Written Texts;
Learning Results
It is expected that at the end of the course each student will be able to:
a) Understand macroeconomic phenomena;
b) Interpret studies, reports and news on current macroeconomic content;
c) Discuss and evaluate the behavior of economic series;
d) Know and evaluate the national accounting process;
e) Interpret and explain the meaning of macroeconomic aggregates;
f) Analyze and understand the Keynesian model;
g) Evaluate and/or estimate the impact of government policies on the Keynesian model.
1. Introduction
1.1 Economic science: basic principles, object and method
1.2 Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Analysis
1.3 Economic problem
1.4 Quantitative methods in economic analysis
1.5 Inflation. Actual values and nominal values
2. Measurement of Economic Activity
2.2 Economic circuit 2.3 National Accounting
3. Private Consumption and Investment
3.1 Private consumption
3.2 Savings for families
3.3 Investment
4.Public Finances
4.1 Choice Needs
4.2 State Functions
5. Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments
5.1 Exports
5.2 Imports
5.3 Balance of Payments
6. Income Determination Models (real market)
6.1 Classics and Keynesians
6.2 Basic Keynesian Model
6.3 Stated Keynesian Model
6.4 Keynesian model in open economy
Curricular Unit Teachers
Amaral, J., Ferreira L., Francisco; Ferreira, C., Santos, S., Fontainha, E. & Caetano, G. (2007). Introdução à Macroeconomia. Escolar Editora.
Branson, W. (2001). Macroeconomia: teoria e prática (2.ª ed.). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
César das Neves, J. (2011). Introdução à Economia (9.ª ed.). Verbo.
Dornbusch, R., & Fischer, S. (2013). Macroeconomia (11.ª ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Ferraz, A. (2005). Análise Macroeconómica – Teoria e Prática. Escolar Editora.
Gregory M. (2015). Macroeconomics. Worth Publishers Inc.
Nabais, C. & Ferreira, R. (2012). Macroeconomia, Lições e Exercícios. Lidel Editores.
Samuelson, P. & Nordhaus, W. (2011). Macroeconomia (19.ª ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Santos, J., Aubyn, M., Braga, J. & Pina, A. (2016). Macroeconomia (4.ª ed.). Escolar Editora.
Sotomayor, A. (2022). Exercícios resolvidos de Macroeconomia (3.ª ed.) Rei dos Livros.
Sotomayor, A. (2018). Princípios de Macroeconomia. Rei dos Livros.
Pinho, M. (2022). Macroeconomia: Teoria e Prática Simplificada (3.ª ed.). Edições Sílabo.